Tag Archives: army

West Point Grad Sue Fulton on the Importance of Integrity – Or Not

“I was asked by an investigator at one point if I was gay, and I lied,” said Sue Fulton in an interview with NBC Out. “I carried that with me for years. When it came time for the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ fight, that’s one of the reasons I worked so hard. To redeem myself.”
former US Army Captain Sue Fulton, USMA Class of 1980

A failure of integrity tears at the conscience, as even Fulton acknowledges. Interestingly, her solution was not to be an officer of integrity.  It was not to change her behavior but to change the policies. Yet that doesn’t change the face she lied.

While Fulton advocated for homosexuality for years in the name of “tolerance,” it would seem Read more

Army Withdraws Reference on Resources for LGBT Children

Tomorrow the US Army in Hawaii was scheduled to host an “expo” of support resources on sexual assault and suicide prevention, which was supposed to include “resources for LGBT children.” The original article, entitled “Who do I talk to? 8TSC Expo includes SHARP, suicide prevention, resources for LGBT children,” read [emphasis added]:

June is LGBT Pride Month, recognizing the proud legacy of LGBT men and women who are part of the fabric of our nation and Army. One area where resources are not often discussed is regarding what is available to help parents start a healthy dialogue with their children who are LGBT. This year’s expo offers an option for that too.

“This year we will Read more

Islamic Army Chaplain Shabazz Dons Christian Stole

As previously announced, on May 23rd Chaplain (LtCol) Khallid Shabazz took over as the Division Chaplain for the 7th Infantry Division at Joint Base Lewis McChord:

Shabazz…became the Army’s first Islamic chaplain at the division level at a Change of Stole ceremony…officiated by Maj. Gen. Thomas James Jr., 7th Infantry Division commanding general.

The “changing of the stole” appears to be strictly a US Army chaplaincy tradition, as Read more

Mikey Weinstein Throws Tantrum at Tobyhanna. No One Notices.

In early May an aggrieved civilian working at Tobyhanna Army Depot in Pennsylvania contacted Michael “Mikey” Weinstein with a religious complaint so horrible, so egregious, so dangerous that it is amazing it had not already caused massive loss of life.

Someone was wearing a hat.

Quoth Weinstein [emphasis added]:

Dear Col. Peterson,

Sir, one of your armed, DOD, Army, civilian gate guards at the Tobyhanna Army Depot Main or “Scranton” gate is wearing a baseball hat with the biblical citation from the New Testament Book of John “3:16” on it…

MRFF demands that you immediately order that offending gate guard to expeditiously remove that Christian-proselytizing baseball hat and appropriately, aggressively and visibly punish that individual as well as all others in his chain of command who are either directly or indirectly responsible…

It just takes a hat to convert people?  Missionaries have been doing it wrong all these years.

Turns out Weinstein was pretty far off the mark. First, it seems  Read more

Reconciling Morality: Misunderstanding Respect and the Military

US Army SFC Timothy Seppala is a Religious Affairs Specialist, otherwise known as a chaplain’s assistant. He recently wrote a few articles about the chaplaincy and one on “Reconciling your Morality: Finding the Common Ground.”

The article begins with a fairly reassuring statement that morality is “highly objective”, but it soon becomes clear SFC Seppala meant the other word [emphasis added]:

The truth is that morality can come from almost anywhere and is something that is unique to each individual.

As you can imagine, having so many sources of morality leads to many different views on what is right and wrong.

In other words, Seppala mean to say morality is subjective, not objective.  That doesn’t bode well for the rest of the article on morality.

Seppala goes on to note that social issues divide society — and the US military reflects the society from which it is drawn, even on issues of morality [emphasis added]: Read more

US Navy Redesigning Submarines. For Women.

US military defense contractor Electric Boat is reportedly laying out the designs for future submarines that will be [emphasis added]

built specifically to accommodate female crewmembers.

This may be “fake news,” since the genesis of the “women in combat” argument was that women were there already, and that there would be no actual logistical changes necessary to legitimize what was already happening.  Still [emphasis added]:   Read more

Mark Green Withdraws from Nomination for Secretary of the Army

Tennessee state senator Mark Green has withdrawn his name from consideration for the position of Secretary of the Army.

“To meet these challenges, there should be no distractions. And unfortunately due to false and misleading attacks against me, this nomination has become a distraction,” [Mark Green] said in his statement.

“Tragically, my life of public service and my Christian beliefs have been mischaracterized and attacked by a few on the other side of the aisle for political gain,” he continued. “While these false attacks have no bearing on the needs of the Army or my qualifications to serve, I believe it is critical to give the President the ability to move forward with his vision to restore our military to its rightful place in the world.”


  • Those who hold certain religious beliefs: 0.
  • Those who like to participate in specific sexual behaviors: 1.

What a backwards Read more

Help for Moral Injury Requires Moral Authority

US Army Alaska chaplain recently participated in a “Holistic Healthcare Conference” that included discussions on PTSD and moral injury.

In a panel discussion, Chaplain (Maj) James Hall made a fascinating statement:

When asked about where service members could seek out help, Hall replied, “it usually takes a moral authority to help someone with a moral injury.”

At first it almost sounds arrogant — but, in fact, it’s true. Consider Read more

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