Tag Archives: Aircraft

EA-18G “Growler” Approved for Full-Rate Production

The military times magazines note that the US Navy has approved full-rate production of the EA-18G Growler.  The EA-18G is a highly modified variant of the Navy’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornet designed for electronic attack rather than conventional air-to-air or air-to-ground roles.  The Growler will primarily be used to jam enemy radars and perform other similar electronic missions rather than perform strike or air defense sorties.  However, the aircraft will retain some offensive weapons capabilities.

The Growler name was a combination of the aircraft the EA-18 was designed to replace (the EA-6B Prowler), the fact that this was the “G” variant, and a large dose of fighter pilot humor that amazingly slipped by the censors (likely because it was a Navy, rather than Air Force, program–the Air Force still calls the F-16 a Fighting Falcon, while pilots call it the Viper).  Admittedly, the Navy also named a submarine the USS Growler, which was supposedly named after a black bass.

Is There a Cultural Shift Occurring in the Air Force?

The culture of the Air Force is in many ways like high school. Fighter pilots are the jocks, the cool kids who rule the campus. And drone pilots? They’re the AV club.

As has been frequently said here (and as described in the book), the stereotype is that Air Force fighter pilots are the glorious rulers of the Air Force.  A Stars and Stripes article says that the Air Force cultural dominance of the fighter pilot may be at an end, just as the dominance of strategic nuclear bombers passed on to fighters decades ago.

While the dominance of the fighter pilot may be fading in some people’s estimation, the cultural stereotype lives on:  Read more

First F-35 Arrives at Pax River

The first test version of the F-35B, the STOVL version for the Marines, arrived at the US Navy flight test facility at Patuxent River this weekend.  The aircraft is built with the lift fans that will allow vertical flight, but it is not production representative; it was built specifically for the test program and includes equipment and sensors that will not be in the operational version of the JSF.  Lockheed has yet to deliver any F-35A or C versions, for the Air Force and Navy, respectively, though one AF version flew for the first time last Saturday.

USMC Photo

Unfortunately, a second report simultaneously came out Read more

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