Tag Archives: Aircraft

Flyby Pilots “Barely above 100 feet”

The Air Force Times revisits the T-38 flyby of the Iowa-Ohio State game, citing architectural dimensions to try to analyze the videos and claim the jets were “flying at a fraction of the minimum altitude required.”  (See prior article.)

Despite the CSI-like efforts of the Air Force Times, the Air Force (which has no connection with the paper) will conduct its own investigation and act based on those conclusions.

For its part, the University of Iowa Read more

JSF Faces Logistical Hurdles

As any aircraft design enthusiast knows, when someone creates a new aircraft design they do far more than consider the range, speed, or weapons capability.  Far more prosaic issues are also important:  How hard is it for the crew chief to change a tire?  How quickly can it be gassed and reloaded?

How hard is it to get spare parts?

Apparently, the JSF engine, when enclosed in its Read more

F-22 Crashes in Alaska

Elmendorf Air Force Base reported the loss of an F-22 late Tuesday night.  The crash site was discovered Wednesday, and news releases from the base indicate crews are continuing to search for signs the pilot may have ejected and survived.

It appears the mishap aircraft was executing a rejoin at the end of a night sortie when it simply, and quietly, disappeared.

Elmendorf AFB recently lost a C-17 and its four crewmembers.  The last F-22 to crash was at Edwards AFB; the pilot did not survive.

Air Force Pilot, Politician is “Crushworthy”

CNN repeated Politico’s “10 Crushworthy New Reps,” referring to the incoming members of the US House of Representatives.  Among them is Air National Guard KC-135 pilot Adam Kinzinger:

Why he’s crushworthy: He’s heroic. He won the U.S. Air Force Airman’s Medal for saving a woman’s life in 2007. Plus, we’ll say it: He’s handsome. A pilot and an Iraq war veteran, Kinzinger, in aviators and a flight suit, conjures up memories of Tom Cruise in ‘Top Gun’ — which isn’t a bad thing!

Not exactly the kind of thing you want posted on the squadron bulletin board.  But if your new job is in the US Capitol building, you’ll probably handle it just fine.

NFL on Football Flyovers

In 2008 the NFL did a short special on the inspiration of the military fly-by at the end of the pre-game National Anthem.

For those that sometimes don’t understand the impact a simple act might have, the video is moving.

The video can be seen at the NFL.  For a point of comparison, previously, a conspiracy theory group has complained that US military flyovers of NASCAR are endorsing a world takeover.

Originally noted at FighterPilotUniversity.

Air Force Mishaps Decline, UAVs Outstrip Others

The Air Force Times notes that aviation mishaps in the US Air Force fell for a second straight year:

Twenty-two major accidents occurred in fiscal 2010, compared with 30 in fiscal 2009. Seven airmen died in crashes, four more than the year before. The most accidents recorded were 2,274 in 1952. The deadliest year was also 1952, when 1,214 crew members and passengers died.

Perhaps more interesting is the comparison between manned and unmanned (or remotely piloted) aircraft:  Read more

AT-6 Tested at Davis Monthan AFB

A highly modified version of the T-6 training aircraft has been flown at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in a flight test project run by the Air National Guard and Reserve:

In appearance, Hawker Beechcraft AT-6Cs resemble the fighters of yesteryear with single engine propellers and shark-face nose art. They are, in actuality, one possible candidate for Air Force light attack aircraft and the latest project for Air National Guard Air Force Reserve Command Test Center officials based at Tucson International Airport.

The T-6s pictured have wing-mounted tanks and what appears Read more

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