Tag Archives: Aircraft

AKC-130 Deployed to Afghanistan

The US Marine Corps’ newest attack aircraft, its armed KC-130J tanker/airlift aircraft, is reportedly flying sorties over Afghanistan:

The [KC-130] is the first of three airplanes with San Diego-based Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 352 to be fitted with the Harvest Hawk kit. The kit, designed as a roll-on/roll-off weapon system, includes a pod attached to the left wing that can carry four Hellfire missiles, Read more

X-47B Takes Off on Successful First Flight

The X-47B (previously noted) executed a successful first flight at Edwards AFB, California last week.

The X-47 is a Navy/Northrop technology demonstrator intended to test (and demonstrate) the ability of an unmanned aircraft to land on an aircraft carrier.  The aircraft somewhat resembles a miniature B-2, and is ultimately intended to portend the UCAV, or Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle — the ability to conduct autonomous deep strike missions.

The Navy Times has an article and a video of the flight.

Cadet Amputee Still Dreams of Flying

ROTC Cadet Matt Pirrello lost his leg in a jump accident at the US Air Force Academy last year. He has been making a fairly rapid recovery at Brooke Army Medical Center, and still has hopes of flying, though he remains open to both possibilities and restrictions:

Pirrello had hoped to become a fighter pilot; now, he just wants to be a pilot. He’s even open to flying a remotely piloted aircraft.

The Air Force recently announced that a pilot training student who lost part of his leg in a boating accident had been reinstated into training — the first amputee ever to continue pilot training.  Pirrello’s injuries were more severe, and he has yet to be commissioned, but with his determination to serve, he may yet see his dreams fulfilled.

Navy Squadron Conducts In-Flight Change of Command

The ceremony for a unit change of command is steeped in tradition, consistent with the history that is often cited at the ceremonies.  The formal event was originally an opportunity for members of a unit to see their old commander relinquish his authority and transfer the flag of command to the new leader.

A unique and fairly modern twist on this ceremony sometimes take place in aviation squadrons.  As the ceremony is conducted on the ground, the incoming commander flies overhead on the wing of the outgoing commander.  As the two aircraft Read more

China’s Newest Fighter, Stealth J-20

There’s been much ado lately regarding the normally secretive Chinese allowing photos and videos of their new “stealth plane” to make its way onto the internet.

Interestingly, it comes as the current administration has cancelled the F-22 future acquisitions, is planning to shrink the Defense Department’s budget, and may potentially cancel some portions of the F-35.  The Stars and Stripes repeats speculation the administration has been “caught flat-footed.”

Sailor Re-Enlists at Mach 1

AM3 Alfonso Tulavillanueva had a unique opportunity to re-enlist at sea when he was given a flight in an F/A-18 Hornet.  His pilot (or “naval aviator”), Cmdr Mitchell Conover, administered the re-enlistment oath during the flight.

Interestingly, Tulavillanueva’s commanding officer had apparently offered flights to anyone who was willing to take it upon themselves to get the necessary training.  CAPT Paul Sohl said only two ever took him up on the offer.

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