Tag Archives: Aircraft

T-38 Passes 50 Years of Air Force Service

An Air Force article notes that the T-38 Talon, the Air Force’s primary jet trainer, has just passed 50 years of service.  To put that in perspective, the Air Force was only 14 years old, the Korean armistice wasn’t even a decade old, and most people probably didn’t know where Vietnam was yet.

The Air Force has indicated it will eventually begin an official search for a replacement trainer.

The T-38 isn’t the oldest aircraft in the inventory.  The B-52 is approaching 60 years of service.

America Joins Conflict in Libya: Operation Odyssey Dawn

The United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1973 authorizing “all necessary means” except an invasion to enforce a no-fly zone and “protect civilians” in Libya.  China, Russia, Germany, Brazil and India abstained from the vote.  The UN Security Council:

Authorizes Member States…to take all necessary measures…to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya…while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory.

Establish[es] a ban on all flights in the airspace of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in order to help protect civilians;

Authorizes Member States…to take all necessary measures to enforce compliance with the ban on flights…

Fighter pilots and other American military members around the world are undoubtedly preparing for their eventual role in this conflict, which, like virtually every other conflict since Korea, remains politically controversial.  (For example, The Washington Times quotes then-candidate and Senator Barack Obama apparently contradicting his current actions as President.)

Ironically, Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi tried to paint this latest conflict as a Christian crusade against Muslims:  Read more

US Drones Flying in War…over Mexico

The New York Times reports the United States has, with the knowledge of the Mexican government, begun flying drones over its southern neighbor to “gather intelligence” on Mexico’s ongoing drug war.

Officials on both sides of the border also said that Mexico asked the United States to use its drones to help track suspects’ movements. The officials said that while Mexico had its own unmanned aerial vehicles, they did not have the range or high-resolution capabilities necessary for certain surveillance activities.

One American military official said the Pentagon had flown Read more

Column: Use Predator to Take Out Gadhafi

A newspaper columnist recently suggested there was a “strong moral argument” for taking out the Libyan leader, and the MQ-1B Predator was just the tool for the job.  Columnist Richard Miniter said:

Since President Barack Obama seems comfortable killing terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan with Predator drone strikes, why not in Libya?

Ignore the political and even moral aspects of such a statement for a moment.

Such an assertion is both ignorant and asinine.

Following Operation Desert Storm, hundreds of hours of CNN Read more

Air Force Receives Last Predator

The US Air Force has accepted delivery of the last MQ-1 Predator.  This completes the purchase order created some time ago.

For all those who look forward to joining the Air Force to fly by remote control, not to worry:  Production and purchase of the Predator‘s bigger brother, the MQ-9 Reaper, is still in full swing.

This was the “last” only because newer and better UAVs are now filling the ranks.

First US Air Force non-Pilot UAV Class Underway

Though it has been done under “beta” conditions in the past, the US Air Force is now conducting its first actual training class of UAV pilots who were not previously aviators.

The training is not short.  The new Lieutenants have already completed flight screening, must conduct a significant amount of T-6 simulator training, RPA basic training, and then finally to the basic qualfiication course for UAVs.  The “pipeline” is programmed as about a year.

Star Trek Coming: Navy May Field Anti-Aircraft Lasers

FoxNews recently reported on the US Navy’s attempts to develop laser-based weapons that might be used for a variety of purposes, including ship and anti-aircraft defense.

Lasers have come a long way in the military already.  The US Air Force flys a 747 with a laser in the nose (the “Airborne Laser,” or ABL) that can shoot down ballistic missiles; it doesn’t take much to imagine what else that laser could be pointed at or used for.  A laser-equipped C-130 has engaged ground targets to mixed success, and Boeing reportedly used lasers to down small UAVs.

There is still a long way to go, though. According to the article, the development team is attempting to create a full-size prototype by 2018.

Just one question:  Will the Navy create it in time to put these laser weapons on the USS Enterprise?

F-4 Phantom Continues Air Force Service

Most people don’t realize the US Air Force still flies F-4s.  The Phantoms were well known for their anti-SAM role in Desert Storm, though they made their mark in history during Vietnam.

The 82nd Aerial Target Squadron is now using the F-4 to tow target banners for aerial gunnery practice.  Unmanned QF-4s continue to fly in a variety of other full-scale target applications.

Lacking the sleek and aerodynamic look of many other aircraft, the F-4 used to be cited as proof that with enough thrust, you can get a brick to fly.

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