Tag Archives: Aircraft

The Language of the Fighter Pilot: YGBSM

Much of the fighter pilot lexicon is not suitable for the ears of Mom or the kids.  When translated, this is one of those terms.

YGBSM is short for “You Gotta Be Sh-tting Me,” which is obviously a term of shock, disbelief, or resignation at a realization of institutional stupidity.  Where did it come from, and why is it so popular in the fighter pilot community?

Lt Col Allen Lamb, USAF (ret.), wrote a first person account about being one of the Air Force’s (the world’s) first SAM-killers, otherwise known as “Wild Weasels:”   Read more

USAFA Cadet Safe After Glider Crash

The Associated Press reported that an Air Force Academy cadet was “safe” after his glider “crash landed” in Colorado Springs:

Academy spokesman First Lt. Meredith Kirchoff said Monday the glider lost lift and came down four miles east of the airfield.

While the AP called it a “crash” landing, the local Colorado Springs Gazette said it was an “emergency landing.”  The cadet reportedly described it even less dramatically:  Read more

Report: F/A-18s Collided After Wrong Turn

According to the Military Times, the midair collision of two F/A-18s from Naval Air Station Fallon last year was the result of a very simple pilot error:

Shortly after takeoff, they moved into a “wall formation” with the Super Hornets four abreast, putting 1.2 nautical miles between the two planes that eventually would collide. The lieutenant commander was flying one of the two inside planes.

“90-right, go,” the lieutenant commander announced, signaling everyone to turn.

While the three other planes turned right, for some reason the lieutenant commander turned left. Read more

Female Afghan Student Pilots Begin US Training

The Associated Press notes the beginning of training for four Afghan women who will ultimately be pilots in the Afghan Air Force.  They are undergoing language training this year and will begin their pilot training next year.

The ladies brought attention to the fact Afghanistan isn’t like it used to be:

For women in Afghanistan, said Afghan Air Force 2nd Lt. Masooma Hussaini, it’s not like “it was in Taliban times.” Her sisters are in school, women work in offices and, by next year, Hussaini and three other young women could be among their country’s first females piloting military helicopters.

The article notes some men in Afghanistan may not be ready for the change.  As the US begins its withdrawal, it will be interesting to see what becomes of the fledgling Afghan Air Force.

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