Tag Archives: air force

Germany Files Charges in Frankfurt Airport Attack

Murder charges have been filed against Arid Uka, a 21 year old Albanian who is accused of opening fire on US servicemembers traveling through the Frankfurt airport in Germany, shouting “Allahu Akbar” as he killed two American airmen and wounded two others.

The indictment indicates Uka was a Muslim “radicalized by jihadist propaganda:”

Authorities have said that Uka confessed shortly after his capture at the airport to wanting to kill American troops because of the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan.

According to the indictment, Uka was radicalized over time by jihadist propaganda he saw on the Internet, Read more

More Airmen Request DADT Discharges

According to the Stars and Stripes, three more members of the US Air Force have requested discharge due to their homosexuality:

According to the Air Force, during the past month two female staff sergeants and a male 2nd lieutenant made statements identifying themselves as gay and asked to be separated quickly from the service.

While these discharges were once non-events, they are now front page news because of their rarity and the fact the Secretary of the Air Force has to approve them.

As with the other recent case, the article indicates these Airmen wanted to be discharged, and to be discharged quickly, before the repeal of DADT.  While homosexual advocacy groups have made much of the “victimization” Read more

Air Force Chapels Raise $250K for Japan

According to an official Air Force release, the US Air Force chapel community raised more than a quarter million dollars to aid the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

In the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan March 11, members of the Air Force Chaplain Corps on 43 installations helped raise more than $257,000 toward relief efforts for victims of the disaster, officials said here June 9.

The effort began with a call from the Air Force Chief of Chaplains:

On March 15, Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Cecil R. Richardson, the Air Force Chief of Chaplains, encouraged chapel community Airmen and their families to take designated offerings at worship services to assist the earthquake victims.

The funds went to a variety of aid organizations, including a Catholic aid group and the Billy Graham-founded Samaritan’s Purse:  Read more

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