Tag Archives: Afghanistan

Insurgents Hide Heroin with the Quran

Previous articles have pointed out the tendency of enemies of the US to use American virtues as a weapon against the US military.  In Afghanistan recently, insurgents attempted to use sensitivity to religion — specifically, the Koran — as a means to hide drugs.

The heroin was discovered when the narcotics section of the Zabul ANP stopped an overloaded bus at a checkpoint. The inspection uncovered four burlap sacks containing bundles of books. Further inspection revealed the books had been hollowed out and were being used to disguise the heroin. Copies of the Quran were placed on top of the bundles in what is believed to be an effort to deter inspection.

The Afghan National Police said it was the “criminals” who had “defiled” the Koran and were “not true Muslims.”

When Americans have been accused of “defiling” the Koran, even falsely, riots have resulted.  When the enemies of America do the same thing…?

Christian Aid Groups Suspended in Afghanistan

Several sites have already documented the decision by the Afghan government to “suspend” the activities of two Christian aid groups after allegations of “proselytizing.”

US-based Church World Service and Norwegian Church Aid will not be allowed to operate while the allegations, aired Sunday on Afghan television, are investigated, said Mohammad Hashim Mayar, the deputy director of the Afghan government office that oversees nongovernment organizations, known as NGOs. 

Mayar said officials did not have any evidence of proselytizing beyond the television report…

Proselytizing is illegal in Afghanistan, as it is in many Muslim countries. It is a hot-button issue for many Afghans sensitive to the influence of the scores of foreign aid groups operating in the country to help it recover from decades of war.

CWS and NCA both denied the allegations.  For CWS, it was the first time Read more

Marine Fighter Pilot Charged with Stealing $440K

In the initial stages of both the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US used (and often still uses today) large quantities of cash for a variety of purposes, from paying for reconstruction to compensating local nationals.

A Marine F-5 fighter pilot now stands accused of stealing $440,000 of reconstruction funds while he was a project purchasing officer with a civil affairs group in Iraq.  For a point of reference, a Major in the US military makes approximately $70,000 per year in base pay before taxes.

Regardless of the outcome of this particular case, it stands as a stark Read more

Army to Get Second Buddhist Chaplain

According to the University of the West, a Buddhist-founded university near Los Angeles, US Army First Lieutenant Somya Malasri will soon be the Army’s second Buddhist Chaplain (behind Chaplain (Lt) Thomas Dyer).

The Navy also has a Buddhist Chaplain; Chaplain Shin is currently deployed to Afghanistan and has been hosting Buddhist services there.

Shin also reported, courtesy of Chaplain Dyer, the Chaplain candidacy of the next Buddhist Chaplain for the US Army, 2LT Christopher Mohr.

Join the Air Force. Fly a Soviet Helicopter.

US Air Force Maj. Caleb Nimmo became the first American to fly the Soviet-export Mi-35 Hind on a combat mission.  In what appears to be an eclectic career, the Major has also flown UH-1s, T-6 Texans, and the MV-22 Osprey.

According to the official Air Force article, the Air Force flies the Mi-35 as an “enemy” during Red Flag.  Nimmo learned to fly the Hind from a civilian contractor in the US and received additional training with the Czech Republic.

Soldiers Get High-Powered, High-Tech Toys

While the Air Force is often maligned for its reliance on technology, it is far from the only service to do so.  US Navy vessels boast some of the most advanced technology in the world on several fronts, and the US Army is no slacker either.  A recent report noted that Special Forces will soon be fielding the XM-25.

The XM-25 is a 25mm projectile rifle that uses a computed sight to determine the range to the target; it then programs the projectile to airburst above Read more

US Still Training Afghan Military in Basics

The US military has been in an “advisory” role to the Afghan military for years.  An interesting article at the Air Force Times notes some of the challenges occurring even now, as the deadline for removing forces from Afghanistan begins to approach:

Even after more than a year, the 500 Afghan airmen in Kandahar still grapple with the basics — even personal hygiene. The dining hall workers still have to be told to wash their hands before they handle food.  The pilots sometimes refuse to land their Mi-17s [helicopters] because they’re too tired, forcing their American advisers to take the controls.

Sounds like they still need a little work.

Osama bin Laden Confirms Weinstein’s Claim?

Statements released by Osama bin Laden have validated the fears of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation’s Michael Weinstein, whose organization has repeatedly claimed that associations of Christianity with the US military provide “propaganda” and “recruiting tools” to America’s adversaries, endangering US troops and the mission of the nation.  Read more

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