Tag Archives: Afghanistan

American Pilot, Soldiers Pray with Locals in Afghanistan

A British news report tells the story of a British military Imam who led a 600+ member congregation — including locals, American servicemembers, and others — in the celebration of Eid ul Adha while in Afghanistan.

This service provided an opportunity for ISAF to demonstrate respect for the Muslim faith by providing a service for all Muslims on the base. One young American pilot told me of the Read more

Report: Most Afghans Don’t Know about 9/11

One of the frequent memes about associations of the Christian religion with the US military has been the “propaganda” value it supplies to those who would try to turn Afghans against the allied forces.

A recent report, however, shows that 92% of Afghans in two volatile provinces don’t even know about the events of 11 September 2001.  They have no idea why foreign forces are in their country, despite the fact the war is 10 years on.  (Perhaps the silver lining Read more

Christian Faces Trial in Afghanistan

Charisma magazine reports Afghan Christian Said Musa was to face a judge this past Sunday, though he had yet to be told what charges he faced after six months in jail.  He was imprisoned in May, after a local Afghan station broadcast pictures of Afghan Christians being baptized.

The article notes that Musa has been a Christian for 8 years, and it is a capital crime in Afghanistan to leave Islam.

Government officials reportedly called for the execution of the filmed Christians in June.

Yes, this is the same Afghan nation Read more

Army Captain: Where Did God Go in Afghanistan?

US Army Capt Michael Cummings writes an interesting commentary at the New York Times on the “religiosity” of the US Armed Forces in Afghanistan:  “Where did God go in Afghanistan?

In what could be considered a disappointing indicator of the spiritual tenor in Afghanistan, Cummings writes that no one seemed interested in attending their Chapels, at least not publicly:

As I entered [the makeshift chapel], I thought for a moment I was in the wrong place. Read more

USAFA Should Rescind Atheist’s Religious Respect Training Invite

A recent article on the US Air Force Academy Cadet Interfaith Council made a passing reference to an upcoming USAFA “religious respect conference” in November.  The purpose of the conference is reportedly to work on the cadet “religious respect” training program.  It seems this is the “next step,” following the respect training given to all basic trainees this past summer that was designed and developed by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.

Jason Torpy, a former Army Captain and current president of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, recently announced on his website that he had been invited to the religious respect conference.

Broadly speaking, it is not at all unreasonable that an atheist would be invited to such a conference, as the military environment is one that favors no particular faith, or lack thereof.

Jason Torpy is an abysmal choice, however, and the Academy should rescind his invitation.

Torpy has actively worked against religious freedom in the military; he has Read more

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