Tag Archives: Afghanistan

DADT and Women in Combat: The Logical Outcome

It was bound to happen.  While some have claimed the US military should not discriminate on the basis of sexual preference, they’ve been unable to explain why the US military still discriminates on the basis of gender.  A new report from a Congressional panel now recommends removing those very policies.

The Defense Department should eliminate restrictions on women serving in combat units and end all “gender restrictive policies,” according to a blue-ribbon panel created by Congress.

The logic of the report is astounding:  Read more

“New Role” For Military Chaplains?

A Canadian article notes the suggestion that military Chaplains might have a “new role” in future conflicts, directly contributing to the emergence of peace by engaging religious leaders in the AOR.

While the article speaks collectively of the “Canadian and US military” forces, the suggested “new” role for Chaplains has been an “old” one for some time in the US.  US military Chaplains have been engaging local leaders in Afghanistan and Iraq for years.

Some have dismissed the value of military Chaplains out of hand.  They fail to fully realize the extent of the impact of Chaplains on all aspects of the military’s role, including the achievement of victory.

Casting Crowns Shares Jesus at US Military Undisclosed Location

In November, leading Christian music group Casting Crowns was given the opportunity to perform for troops in the AOR.  Lead singer Mark Hall said the trip grew from hearing from troops’ families at US concerts who were encouraged by their music.

The band’s popular songs include Until the Whole World Hears and Praise You in the Storm — a song that speaks of glorifying God even in an unexplainable hardship.  Hall notes that these songs “hit close to home” for those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, making the worship a “little deeper.”

The group played to a packed facility in Read more

National Christmas Tree, Menorah Grace Capital

Despite the decision by some government organizations to have “holiday” trees, the National Christmas tree lit in the Nation’s capital each year remains precisely that — a Christmas tree.  This year the US Coast Guard Band was the primary musical backdrop for the event; as is often tradition, the band stood for the Christmas prayer offered by the Rev. Darrell D. Morton.  Some bowed their heads; some did not.

The President’s remarks included a call for prayer for the military:  Read more

DADT Roundup: News and Updates

Summary of recent articles/news on the potential change to the law banning homosexuals from serving in the US military.  Below:

  • Oliver North on “who they are” vs “what they do.”
  • North again asking will DADT repeal improve the military?
  • The “no effect” of repeal compared with gender integration: A Navy commander fired.
  • Secretary Gates addresses the possibility of de facto repeal of DADT within the military.
  • CSM Marvin Hill, Petraeus’ top enlisted Soldier, reportedly “pushes” against the law.
  • Congress prioritizes DADT repeal higher than the parent Defense Authorization Act
  • Calls for Senator McCain to do the “right” thing…but how do you define “right?”

Read more

Chaplain Goetz Remembered by Colleagues

An article at the LA Times documents an interview with Christy Goetz, wife of Chaplain (Capt) Dale Goetz — the first Chaplain killed in combat since Vietnam.

Salient quotes:

His soldiers say the chaplain died doing what he loved — talking to them, praying with them, helping counsel them through long days and nights of fear and dread. He had been carrying CDs for them to record personal messages to their families.

“Chaplains don’t sit around the big bases waiting for Read more

XM25 Deployed to Afghanistan

As previously noted, the Air Force isn’t the only service with lethal technological toys.

The Army has reportedly fielded the XM25 in Afghanistan.  The rifle-sized “Counter Defilade Target Engagement System” enables a Soldier to fire a projectile that will explode at a specific point in space; in short, he can kill the enemy hiding behind a wall.

With reports of increasing airstrikes and tanks being moved into Afghanistan, the XM25 may be another indicator of the military’s attempts to prevent a “fair” fight with its adversaries.

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