Tag Archives: Afghanistan

Afghan Christian Convert Set to be Executed

As noted previously, Said Musa has been imprisoned in Afghanistan for the crime of converting to Christianity.  According to some articles, he has been sentenced to be hanged (and, depending on timing, may have been already). 

The World Evangelical Alliance’s Religious Liberty Commission has protested, claiming this violates Afghanistan’s own Constitution.  The article also notes that

Afghanistan is ranked No. 3 on Open Doors’ World Watch List of countries with the worst Christian persecution.

As noted at the Wall Street Journal, the US government has called on Afghanistan Read more

Seymour Hersh and Michael Weinstein Share Conspiracy Theories

A few weeks ago, Seymour Hersh, whose fame is essentially centered on the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, made headlines when he said portions of the US military were trying to conquer and convert the Muslim world:

The New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh alleged in a speech in Qatar that key branches of the U.S. military are being led by Christian fundamentalist “crusaders” who are determined to “turn mosques into cathedrals.”

Hersh specifically cited now-retired General Stanley McChrystal and, more vaguely, much of the US Special Operations community.  He claimed members of the US military were members of a small sect of Christianity out to continue the crusades:

He then alleged that Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who headed JSOC before briefly becoming the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, and his successor, Vice Adm. William McRaven, as well as many within JSOC, “are all members of, or at least supporters of, Knights of Malta.”…

“Many of them are members of Opus Dei,” Hersh continued. Read more

Military Chaplains: Have Bible, Will Travel

Or, as the case may be, Have Koran, or Vedas…

An Army news article notes the necessary travels of military Chaplains as they travel throughout the combat area in Afghanistan serving the religious and morale needs of those in their care.  There have been a variety of other articles on “fob-hopping,” but this one included an interesting summary of the US military Chaplaincy:

The Chaplain’s Corps has been around since 1775. Following the creation of the infantry as a branch of the Army, the Read more

Air Force to Field New Gorgon Stare

The Washington Post recently caught up to the announcement from last June that the US military was attempting to field UAVs with a multitude of cameras and sensors called the Gorgon Stare — named for the Greek mythological creature.

Of actual interest in the article is the technology the Air Force is using to help analysts sift through the vast amount of material produced by UAVs:

The Air Force…is working with Harris Corp. to adapt ESPN’s technique of tagging key moments in National Football League videotape to the war zone. Just as a sportscaster can call up a series of archived quarterback blitzes as soon as a player is sacked on the field, an analyst in Afghanistan can retrieve the last month’s worth of bombings in a particular stretch of road with the push of a button, officials said.

Sailor: Next Step, Equal Rights for Gay Servicemembers

Chris Patti, reportedly a Navy cryptologist, wrote an opinion piece at the Washington Post saying repeal of DADT was the “easy” part, and now Secretary of Defense Robert Gates faces “difficult” questions.  Oddly, Patti raises no questions that have not already been addressed.  Just like the terse answer to those who wondered if they could resign early if they had moral reservations about repeal (“No.”), the military working group on DADT repeal provided terse answers to Patti’s questions.  For example, he asks:  Read more

Navy Probes Fighter Pilot’s “Inappropriate” Videos

According to various sources, the US Navy plans to investigate the creation and use of “inappropriate” videos on board the USS Enterprise.  The “star” and producer of the videos, which were created in 2006-2007, was reportedly the ship’s second in command, since promoted to its Captain.  US Navy CAPT Owen Honors is a Navy fighter pilot (or “naval aviator”) as well as graduate of the Navy Test Pilot School.  The Enterprise is scheduled to deploy early this year.  The videos were apparently released to the Virginian-Pilot by Sailors who currently remain anonymous.

The Navy’s initial reactionRead more

Letter: DADT Repeal Creates “Propaganda” for al Qaeda, Taliban

A letter to the editor in a local Colorado Springs newspaper raised the spectre that open homosexuality in the US military might actually help America’s adversaries:

I can’t wait until the Taliban and Al Qaida use this [DADT repeal] law as a recruiting tool for hardcore Muslim insurgents in its proof just how infidel America is when its government endorses homosexuality by law.

Notwithstanding the rhetoric, he’s right.  Islamic extremists have cited America’s “moral depravity” as reason for attacking it.  Openly allowing Read more

Christmas in Afghanistan, Presidential Message on Jesus’ Birth

FoxNews had a headline article on Christmas highlighting “Christmas in Afghanistan.”  One of the more interesting parts of the article:

Afghans who support the coalition troops respect the holiday, [US Marine Chaplain (Capt) William] Kennedy said.

“We’re in a Muslim country, but the Muslims venerate Jesus as a prophet and the people I’ve met, whether it’s the locals or ANA (Afghan army), the mullahs, they respect the fact that we’re a religious people,” Kennedy told AFP.

(In a contrast to the Chaplain’s supportive perceptions of the local population, an activist group once tried to claim public American military celebrations of Easter were “convinc[ing] the Muslims we’re on a crusade.”) 

While Americans celebrated freely in Afghanistan, local Iraqi Christians “toned down” their Christmas celebrations in Iraq over fear of attacks.  It appears American military Read more

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