Tag Archives: Afghanistan

US Marines talk God with Afghan Mullahs

While many people may think the US military has no business being involved with religion, religious beliefs are an inherent part of the cultural landscape in Afghanistan.  Thus, they are integral to the execution of the war effort — whether one treats them that way or not.

Capt Daniel Petronzio is one Marine among several who has been meeting with local mullahs — religious and social leaders in the local area — to help accomplish the US military mission in the region.

“We’re engaging mullahs to bridge to the local communities in a different way,” said Capt. Daniel Petronzio…”It shows our openness to religion…”

Apparently, some mullahs have been “suspicious” about Read more

US Marines Experience Buddhism in Japan

Frequent articles have noted the unique experiences to which US military members have access as they travel the world at their nation’s call.  They may be able to visit the home lands of Abraham; they may be able to travel to Mecca at the government’s expense.  In Japan, they may be able to join a military-based tour group on a “spiritual journey” to a local Buddhist monastery.

As noted in an official Marine article, Marines based at Iwakuni went on a “spiritual journey” to a local temple hosted by Tadahisa Teshima:  Read more

Soldiers, US Army Observe Ramadan in Afghanistan

The International Security Assistance Force, led by US Army Gen. John R. Allen and Ambassador Simon Gass, hosted an Islamic iftar in Afghanistan, the meal that breaks the daily fast of Ramadan.  Afghan leaders were thankful:

Defense Minister of Afghanistan Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak [said] “This is actually a demonstration of the upmost respect for our beliefs, our faith, our traditions and our culture…”

As noted in a US Army article, Islamic US Army Soldiers at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, are observing Ramadan with others of their faith.

As Soldiers engaged in war, the Islamic faith technically exempts them from fasting during Ramadan, but at least one Soldier has chosen to Read more

Air Force Tanker Pilot Awarded 19th Air Medal

A US Air Force article highlights the story of Major Josh Brown, a KC-135 pilot who has earned his 19th Air Medal:

Brown flew his final combat sortie for this deployment July 30, qualifying him to receive the 18th oak leaf cluster for his Air Medal.

The Air Medal is awarded for single acts of heroism or meritorious achievements while participating in aerial flight in support of operations…

In layman’s terms, Air Medals are handed out for one of two things:  unique, heroic events…or for flying a certain Read more

Jews in the Military

The Algemeiner, a self-described Jewish newspaper, recently had an interesting article chronicling the military service of Jews in the world’s and the US military.

The reason for the article was to address a historical meme:

Throughout history, a common anti-Semitic method of incitement has been to accuse Jews of being unpatriotic. This was often largely expressed in the accusation that Jews were unwilling to join their military.

After a bit of history, the article explains the demographics of the military Read more

US Helps Educate Afghans on Islam

In an interesting mixing of church and state, to borrow the phrase, the US government and the US military facilitated the visit of Islamic Imam Yahya Hendi to Afghanistan so he could speak to them on “justice, Islam in America, and gender equality.”

Hendi’s visit was assisted by the US Embassy and the Paktya Provincial Reconstruction Team.

During his speech, he tied Islamic faith with the Afghan rule of law, Read more

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