Faith Under Fire: DADT and Religious Liberty

The Alliance Defense Fund’s Speak Up website has an article entitled “Faith Under Fire: DADT and Religious Liberty” that summarizes and includes links to the variety of organizations and individuals who have opposed the repeal of the policy commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

The site also includes a video of a half dozen retired Chaplains — ranging from Lt Commander to Brigadier General — addressing the issue of normalizing homosexual behavior and its impact on religious freedom in the US military.

“If Gays Serve Openly, will Chaplains Suffer?”

USA Today has duelling articles on the potential impact of the repeal of the policies commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

“No, the mission is to serve all soldiers.”
Arnold Resnicoff, a former Navy Chaplain, responds in the negative. Resnicoff was also a special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force from 2005 to 2006, when the Air Force Academy “Christian scandal” made news.  (Michael Weinstein called Resnicoff an “unmitigated disaster.”)

Resnicoff’s primary argument is that

good chaplains can preach and teach, true to their beliefs — respecting rights while challenging what they believe is wrong. (emphasis original)

He maintains there would be zero impact to Chaplains.

“Yes, religious liberty is in real jeopardy.”
Daniel Blomberg of the Alliance Defense Fund answers in the affirmative.  In contrast to Resnicoff, Blomberg says the change would “likely harm” Chaplains:  Read more

DADT Survey Publicized, Derided by Advocacy Groups

A homosexual advocacy group obtained a copy of the survey delivered to US military members despite the military’s intent to keep the survey “confidential.”  The Department of Defense defended the format and content of the survey against criticism from homosexual advocacy groups that have derided it.  Apparently, those groups take issue with the word “homosexual” and the fact recipients were asked how they would feel about sharing personal space with open homosexuals.  The military’s response:

Responding to critics’ claims the survey was biased against gays, [DoD spokesman Geoff] Morrell said, “Absolutely, unequivocally, I reject it as nonsense.”

World Magazine Covers “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

As noted by the ADF at Speak Up, World Magazine has a fairly comprehensive article on the topic of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and the opposition to its possible repeal.  The article makes two important points:  First, that the repeal of DADT is only the “first step:”

Matt Coles, director of the ACLU’s Center for Equality, in a recent essay argued that the military could be the engine for even greater changes. “Getting rid of DADT won’t be enough,” Coles wrote. “There’s another little law called the Defense of Marriage Act that will have to go as well.”  Read more

Alleged Wikileaks Source was Lonely, Angry…Humanist

The Defense Department has announced that 22 year old US Army Private First Class Bradley Manning has had “charges preferred” alleging multiple counts of improperly handling classified information.  According to prior reports, Manning admitted in internet chat rooms that he distributed the helicopter gunship video dubbed “collateral murder” as well as thousands of other secret files.

In an apparent attempt to humanize Manning, the Associated Press noted his “outcast” status among his peers:

With his custom-made “humanist” dog tags and distrust of authority, Bradley Manning was no conventional soldier.  Read more

Military Distributes DADT Survey

According to an official release, the Department of Defense distributed 400,000 emailed surveys yesterday to military members on the topic of the implementation of the repeal of the policy most commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Half of the surveys went to active-duty servicemembers, and half were sent to the reserve components. Troops who received the surveys were selected based on age, rank, service, component, military specialties, education, marital status and other factors to ensure broad and thorough feedback on a potential repeal, Ham said.

The Military Times said the actual questions were “under wraps,” but the survey  Read more

Life of a Conservative Christian in the Military Isn’t Always Easy

A newspaper highlights local Dewayne Wolf, who is going through the Chaplain school at Fort Jackson, SC, to become an Army Chaplain.  Already Wolf seems to recognize the challenge in integrating faith and profession, and also his purpose as a Chaplain:

The lifestyle is kind of rough, especially in the infantry. To break away from that lifestyle really makes a distinction…It’s not the easiest environment to stand for what you believe. Nowhere is it easy to be a conservative Christian. That’s why they need good chaplains in the military.

That said, it appears Wolf — who was formerly a Chaplain’s assistant — may yet have something to learn at the Chaplain school:

As a chaplain, your main focus is evangelism.  Read more

General Amos Chosen for Views on DADT?

As more organizations and commenters discuss the supposed recommendation by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to nominate General James Amos as the next Commandant of the Marine Corps, there is speculation that his views on “Don’t ask, don’t tell” played a role.  The current Commandant, General James Conway, was the most forcefully outspoken against the repeal of DADT among the Service Chiefs.

The speculation appears to attempt to explain why Amos, an aviator who would head the Marines during what is largely a ground war, was chosen over the “leading contender,” Read more

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