DADT Repeal Plan Covers Religion, Chaplains, Transsexuals

While much discussion has occurred over the Department of Defense’s report on DADT, many seem to have missed the completely separate (and substantial) report written on how to implement repeal within the military.

Much of the “Support Plan for Implementation” (PDF, 1.9MB) is at least alluded to in the original report, and much is administrative (like suggesting the use of “gay and lesbian,” as opposed to “homosexual”).  Still, there are some interesting specifics.  For example, while the plan reiterates that average servicemembers will not be allowed to separate for moral reasons, it gives a “suggestion” to Chaplains on how they can get out of the military if they so choose:  Read more

Report: Troops Who Support DADT Can Find Another Job

As reported at FoxNews, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen took those who might still support DADT to task:

Military members who have a problem with a change in policy to allow gays to serve openly may find themselves looking for a new job, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned Thursday.

This seems consistent with prior leadership statements that those who support the current law could “vote with their feet.”  However, to be fair, it seems the Admiral was excessively paraphrased.  It seems the relevant quote is actually:  Read more

DADT Survey Doesn’t Say What You Think It Says…

…or maybe it does.  The report, entitled Report of the Comprehensive Review of the Issues Associated with a Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, was released yesterday (available here, or at the DoD DADT website).  The following is a list of highlights from the report.

Statistics and Questions

As noted previously, fun with numbers will likely allow both sides of the DADT debate to cite the report in favor of their position.

For example, one of the most frequently cited statistics (as here and here) is the statement that

When asked about how having a Service member in their immediate unit who said he or she is gay would affect the unit’s ability to “work together to get the job done,” 70% of Service members predicted it would have a positive, mixed, or no effect.

However, using precisely the same numbers, one could also say

When asked about how having a Service member in their immediate unit who said he or she is gay would affect the unit’s ability to “work together to get the job done,” 62% of Service members predicted it would have a negative or mixed effect.

Obviously, the second statement holds quite a different meaning than the first – yet both are entirely accurate.

One of the main disconnects is that many reports have conflated Read more

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Misconstrued by Media

Media articles and reports continue to highlight the common misunderstanding about the policies, rules, and perspectives about homosexuality in the military.

For example, in discussing the history of homosexual policy in the military, an Associated Press report recently said

In the end, Congress agreed to let gays serve only if their sexual orientation remained secret.

While it is a common belief, the statement is flatly wrong.

The law Congress passed banned homosexuals from military service without qualification.  The “secret” part, more commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” was the Read more

DoD’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Report to be Publicized

The Department of Defense’s report on how to implement the proposed repeal of the law banning homosexuals from military service will reportedly be “released in full” next week, on November 30th — one day prior to the original date for which the report was supposed to be delivered to the Secretary of Defense.

The fact that the military’s entire emphasis has been how to react Read more

Gay and Marijuana in the Military: Same difference?

Is marijuana the next DADT?  The increasing (state) legality of the otherwise (federally) illegal drug indicates a growing trend of “normalizing” marijuana usage, and it is not going unnoticed by the military.

An official Air Force news release at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado, notes marijuana is “not welcome here,” despite its sometimes legality in the surrounding state.

Schriever commander Colonel Wayne Montheith wrote a memo noting, among other points,

Marijuana, prescribed or otherwise obtained, may not be used, possessed, distributed, nor introduced on Schriever AFB, a Federal military [installation].

The presence of marijuana on Schriever AFB [is] a risk to good order and discipline and to the Air Force mission.

The policy applies to any person on Schriever, including civilians — who could be banned from the base for bringing even state-approved marijuana with them.

In a similar vein to the federalist treatment of homosexual marriage, Read more

USAFA Faculty Underwriting Attacks on USAFA?

Michael Weinstein and his self-founded MRFF have occasionally cried foul at the participation by US Air Force Academy members in groups sponsored by off-base organizations.  The most recent was a small Bible study going by the name Cadets for Christ.  Officers’ Christian Fellowship, Campus Crusade, and the entire SPIRE system have also been criticized.

Weinstein appears to have his own inroads to the Academy, however.  He routinely publicizes information privy only to those at USAFA, and he cites “hundreds” of staff and cadets as party to his complaints.  In fact, just yesterday Weinstein cited an “anonymous” USAFA faculty member to support his latest charge against USAFA.  (Weinstein complained the MRFF wasn’t invited to the USAFA “religious respect” conference — while simultaneously calling that same conference “propaganda.”)

Some of the people he cites are not without influence.  A few who have made themselves known after leaving USAFA:  Read more

Civilian Dan Choi Protests in Uniform, Again

According to news reports, former Army Lt Dan Choi (once again) chained himself to the White House perimeter fence, resulting in arrest by the park police.  Rather than walking away in cuffs, he apparently chose to “go limp.”  Last time Choi did the same thing he was actually still an officer in the Army.

Choi was discharged last summer under DADT, and he recently tried to re-enlist during the 8-day injunction of the law banning homosexuals from serving in the military.

The next time Choi tries to sign up with the military, it should show him the door, regardless of the status of DADT.  He apparently lacks the strength of character to Read more

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