The Slippery Slope of Governing Sexuality

A few different sources, including Dr. Albert Mohler, have recently brought up the case of David Epstein, a professor of political science at Columbia University.  Apparently Epstein was recently charged with incest over a sexual relationship with his adult daughter.

The natural question, of course, is why?

If what two consenting adults do is no one else’s business, why is incest illegal? If reproduction is not germane, then the traditional genetic argument fails.

On what moral basis, then, is incest illegal?

Over at the SoldiersPerspective, a similar question is raisedRead more

Christianity and Morality in the Military

Gays have been in the military since the beginning of armed conflict, and allowing them to admit that fact does not change the fact that they take the same risk as straight service members and are due the same respect.

Quotes like these are increasingly common — even from Christians — and demonstrate ignorance of the point of those who have opposed repeal of the law banning homosexuals from serving.

The fact that homosexuals have served within the military, in violation of the law, does not nullify the validity of the law (anymore than violation of any other law does so).

Risk, sacrifice, etc, are all irrelevant.  There is no Read more

Choi to Rejoin Military Despite Mental, Political Issues

Former Army Lt Dan Choi announced in the Huffington Post that he intended to rejoin the military service now that DADT has been repealed.  Homosexuality aside, Choi may have other issues to overcome before the military will let him in.

Choi, originally promoted to “Mr.” below-the-zone for being homosexual, reportedly admitted to being “involuntarily committed” to a psychiatric ward due to Read more

General Says Repeal May Cost Lives, Congress Repeals DADT

Commandant of the Marine Corps and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General James Amos has been widely reported to have said the repeal of DADT would cause “distractions” that could “cost Marine lives.”

Amos was widely criticized, with some even calling for his resignation for being “out of step with his own bosses.”  Apparently critics failed to realize its the responsibility of the Chiefs of Staff to provide such advice to the President.  It is not their job to be “yes men.”  Interestingly, there was speculation Amos had been chosen by Obama for both his pensive reservation and for his views on DADT (both of which seem to have been proven contrary to perception).

Still, Amos specifically said civilian leadership of the military in the US would be respected.

This weekend, Congress voted to repeal the law banning homosexuals from serving in the military.

Overweight Soldiers a National Security Issue like DADT?

The Army Times covers (and CNN repeats) the lengths to which Army troops are now going in order to avoid discharge for being overweight:

They’re increasingly turning to starvation diets,  weight-loss pills, laxatives and even liposuction…

Soldiers write about wrapping themselves in Icy-Hot, Preparation H treatments, popping stool softeners, going to saunas to meet the Army’s requirements.  Many of the comments say the military should reassess its weight standards.

Keep in mind this has nothing to do with the military’s rigorous Read more

Defense Act Contains More than DADT

The Stars and Stripes notes that more is at stake than just DADT with regard to the 2011 Defense Authorization Act:

If the measure is held up by Senate Republicans [or Democrats -ed], it could stall the military’s annual pay raise (which would be either 1.4 percent or 1.9 percent in January) and a host of recruiting and enlistment bonuses. The 2011 NDAA also includes language extending Tricare coverage to dependent children of troops until age 26, increases hostile fire and imminent danger pay, and provides millions in impact aid to schools with a high enrollment of military children.

Despite the drama, this is not the first time the NDAA has been held up Read more

DADT Roundup: News and Updates

Summary of recent articles/news on the potential change to the law banning homosexuals from serving in the US military.  Below:

  • Oliver North on “who they are” vs “what they do.”
  • North again asking will DADT repeal improve the military?
  • The “no effect” of repeal compared with gender integration: A Navy commander fired.
  • Secretary Gates addresses the possibility of de facto repeal of DADT within the military.
  • CSM Marvin Hill, Petraeus’ top enlisted Soldier, reportedly “pushes” against the law.
  • Congress prioritizes DADT repeal higher than the parent Defense Authorization Act
  • Calls for Senator McCain to do the “right” thing…but how do you define “right?”

Read more

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