US Marines Sole Representative at Gay Pride Event

For the second time, US Marine Corps recruiters have been the sole respondents to an invitation by a homosexual group to set up a recruiting booth, though they had to get a little funding help from the organizers to attend:

Alan Chan, San Gabriel Valley Pride’s secretary, invited military personnel in the Pasadena recruitment office across from the college to set up booths at the event. The Navy, he said, did not have adequate staffing. The Army had previously committed to another event. The Air Force Read more

DADT: Ambiguity, Calls for Protections Continue with Repeal

A US Department of Defense news release indicated the Defense Department was “set” for the repeal of the policy most commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  The release had an interesting statement regarding policy changes:

While many changes in policies and regulations already have taken place, some changes in how repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law will be implemented must wait until after the law takes effect.

These policies and regulations will be promulgated tomorrow [Tuesday], the Pentagon press secretary said.

This was elsewhere described as

As soon as the ban is lifted, the Defense Department will publish revised regulations to reflect the new law that will allow gays to serve openly. The revisions [include] eliminating references to banned homosexual service…

This appears to be some of the “missing” information Read more

Congress Calls for Delay in Tomorrow’s DADT Repeal

The Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Howard “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), and committee member Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) have called on the Department of Defense to delay the planned repeal of the policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

The Committee and others have complained the DoD has failed to provide any of the documentation required for the certification to the President that occurred two months ago.  The documentation was supposed to cover policies and regulations implementing repeal.

Since it is evident that the department does not have final, approved policies in place, we believe it is essential that you take immediate action to Read more

DADT: The Ethical and Moral Foundation of the US Army

The Army has been continuing to brief its basic trainees on the upcoming permissible service by open homosexuals.

At Fort Jackson…Capt. Guy Allsup…recently walked 231 nervous basic training recruits through scenarios…

“Does anybody think that this is going to be a drastic change for deployed soldiers?” Allsup called out to the group.

Ignore the paradox of an officer asking new recruits if things will “change.”  The trainees’ answer:  Read more

Retired Chaplain Says “G-O-D is Bigger than D-O-D”

Chaplain (Col) Ron Crews (US Army, Retired) is heading up the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty,

a group that wants to protect evangelical chaplains from the dangers created by the government’s decision to force open homosexual behavior on the armed forces.

He recently noted that some Chaplain endorsers have indicated they will not only endorse homosexual Chaplains, but they already have homosexual Chaplains who Read more

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