Gay Pride Events Held at Military Academies

It isn’t the first time homosexual groups have gathered together to celebrate their…sexuality?…on a military base, but the novelty of their fellowship at US military academies seems to make it newsworthy.  CNN begins it article with factual inaccuracies:

For nearly 17 years, gay and lesbian soldiers were expected to deny their sexuality under threat of dismissal as part of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Actually, for “nearly” 200 years, homosexuals were expected not to violate the law Read more

Senate Testimony on Terrorist Threat from Within

Last week, Pentagon leadership gave testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee on their Annual Threat Assessment. A surprising, if somewhat understated, highlight was the pronouncement of a “growing concern” of terrorist threats from within the US intelligence and military communities:

Senior US military and intelligence officials are warning of their growing concern that rogue “radical” elements are operating – or preparing to operate – “within the ranks” of the intelligence community and armed forces.

Ultimately, this should be of little surprise, Read more

Lawsuit Filed over Deception of Pentagon DADT Data

The Thomas More Law Center has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Center for Military Readiness:

The purpose of the lawsuit is to obtain records believed to show intentional deception by the Pentagon to gain congressional support for repeal of the 1993 law regarding open homosexual conduct in the military, usually called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

The TMLC alleges the Pentagon has

engaged in a pattern of deception in its efforts to persuade Congress to allow open homosexuality in our military.

The lawsuit centers around the premise the Pentagon leaked information to the Washington Post in 2010 to sway public opinion and Congress Read more

Justice Dept will Not Fight Lawsuit for Same-Sex Benefits

Attorney General Eric Holder has informed Congress that the Obama administration will not defend lawsuits against the US military that seek the benefits of marriage for same-sex couples.

Attorney General Eric Holder [wrote that] the 1996 federal law that defines “spouse” as “person of the opposite sex” is a violation of the Fifth Amendment right to equal protection under the law.

This is consistent with the administration’s previous decision not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which is now being defended by lawyers from Congress.

Deployed American Troops Produce Video for “It Gets Better”

The Stars and Stripes notes some deployed American troops filmed a short video under the auspices of OutServe, a homosexual advocacy group, for the “It Gets Better” project,

an initiative created to show young gay and transgender individuals the happiness and potential that awaits them if they can make it through their tumultuous teen years.

The Stripes article was written at the end of January, shortly after the video was posted to YouTube.  There has been little public reaction to the publication.  (As a point of clarification, “transgender” individuals are still banned from military service.)

The video begs an interesting question:  What would the reaction be if uniformed, deployed (and armed) servicemembers posted a YouTube video on behalf of their non-Federal entity extolling the religious Read more

Army: Professionalism Maintained in DADT Repeal

In an article that actually says very little, the US Army notes nothing has really changed since DADT repeal was implemented.  Part of the reason is “many” homosexual servicemembers have continued to keep their sexual preference to themselves.  The only “change” was the absence of their fear they would be discharged if discovered.

Many “out” gay and lesbian Soldiers say they haven’t noticed much change in Army culture since the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” Sept. 20, and many still remain in the closet to those they serve with.

For most, it has been a relief that they can no longer be prosecuted or their Army careers jeopardized for being gay.

One “out” Army NCO said the repeal resulted in a changing perception:  Read more

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