Report: US Army General Opposes President Trump as Uniformed Troops March in Protest

San Diego recently held its annual “Pride” Parade celebrating variations of sexuality — the same one then-Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning rode in as Grand Marshal in 2016. As then, uniformed military members played a prominent role [emphasis added]:

To show opposition to the Trump Administration’s ban on transgender troops, this year’s military contingent decided to have active-duty trans service members march at the front of the parade.

“I am a transgender sailor myself,” said Elijah Riddle, who currently serves in the U.S. Navy.

Let’s see: Participating in a political protest in uniform, and Read more

VA Gives Lessons on Defying Mikey Weinstein. Again.

As has been noted here several times before, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has made a routine event of having acolytes scour the country for POW/MIA displays, including those in VA medical facilities. Weinstein then complains loudly about the inevitable Bible on those displays in the hopes the organization would remove it. The world is made up of many people, including some who aim for peace at any price — and others who actually agree with Weinstein. As a result, Weinstein had some successes in having facilities ban the Bible, which Weinstein has loudly celebrated.  While those “victories” undoubtedly inflated his ego, Weinstein has been unusually quiet about those facilities that ignored him and left the Bible there — even if he apparently abandoned Read more

Another Teacher Sues over School Transgender Policy

As noted at the Religion Clause, John Kluge has sued Brownsburg Community school district after he lost his job because he refused to call students by their “preferred names.” The school had allowed him to use last names for some time, but apparently decided that wasn’t good enough.

This is similar to the case of Peter Vlaming, a high school teacher fired for refusing to use opposite-gender pronouns (though he did use preferred names), and Dr. Nicholas Meriwether who Read more

Transgender Advocates Celebrate Gallup Poll, Ignore Conflicting Data

The homosexual advocacy American Military Partner Association (AMPA) has merged with OutServe-SLDN to form the Modern Military Association of America. (Apparently, being anything other than heterosexual is “modern.”) The group recently celebrated results from a Gallup poll that appear to show the majority of Americans supporting transgender service in the US military. From their release:

As this survey proves, an overwhelming majority of Americans — including a majority of veterans — agree that what matters is the ability to accomplish the mission, not someone’s gender identity.

While that’s a convenient conclusion, the survey “proves” no such thing.

The survey (available heredoes say that 71% of “national adults” “favor allowing openly transgender men and women to serve in the military?” But look at an important breakdown:

Military veterans: 56% support, 43% oppose
Non-veterans: 73% support, 25% oppose

It would seem people who have actually served in the military are Read more

June was Gay Pride Month. Sort of.

This year the homosexual movement didn’t bother berating President Trump for failing to publish a proclamation about homosexual pride in June. (They did take President Trump to task for his explanation early in June that transgenders require “massive amounts of drugs” and therefore can’t serve in the military — which can be true. As has been noted here before, were any other service member to take the amount of hormones some “transgender” people do, they’d be discharged.)

Even without the announcement, a few military facilities continued to “celebrate” the Stonewall Riots (a violent riot that endangered first responders) as well as their favored sexual practices.

Fort Drum, notably, rewrote that Stonewall history to assert homosexuals were the victims, calling it an “uprising” rather than a “riot” and saying it Read more

US Embassies Can’t Celebrate Gay Pride while US Air Force Flies GayWACS

There’s been much ado about the fact the State Department declined to authorize US embassies to fly “gay pride” rainbow flags from the main embassy flagpoles. (The wailing and gnashing of teeth failed to acknowledge the “ban” only applied to flagpoles, and such flags or other similar decorations were allowed to be flown elsewhere. In fact, one report seemed to think the continued displays were “defiance”, when Vice President Pence explicitly stated no other restrictions were placed on the display of “pride”.) President Obama had begun declaring June “gay pride month,” a “celebration” that has largely fallen silent under President Trump.

US Rep Ilhan Oman even claimed the denial was “bigotry and discrimination” by the Trump administration — strong words, given the traditional treatment of homosexuals by her Islamic faith.

And while the US State Department would not allow “gay pride” to join the US flag around the world, a US Air Force AWACS crew decided they’d advertise on the flight line of in a deployed location: Read more

The Transgender Contradiction & the US Military

By Sonny Hernandez

But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female (Mark 10:6)

President Donald Trump has officially implemented a new policy on transgenderism in the military that Americans should take the time to read. According to BuzzFeed News:

President Donald Trump finally got to implement a ban on transgender people in the military on Friday — nearly two years after he shot off tweets declaring the military “will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity.”

Lt. Col. Carla M. Gleason, a Pentagon Read more

California Designates LGBTQ Veterans Memorial

The Sacramento Bee reported that the local community of Cathedral City, California, dedicated the nation’s first “LGBTQ Veterans Memorial” at the end of April:

“It’s kind of a holy place. This is a place to pray for people who died in wars,” Tom Swann Hernandez of Cathedral City told The Sacramento Bee on Tuesday. The gay Marine veteran has been at the forefront of the state designation effort for nearly two decades.

This was the ceremonial designation; the legal designation was noted here last fall.

The short version is if you Read more

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