Military Homosexual Advocates Seek Expanded “Rights”

The Washington Times notes that having ‘won’ the right to be openly homosexual in the US military, homosexual advocates are now pressing the military for more — as predicted.

Aubrey Sarvis, director of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network…identified 11 benefits that he says the law permits if regulations are changed, including military family housing, access to commissaries and exchanges, marriage and family counseling, legal aid and joint duty assignments.

He also is seeking a change in the rules for Read more

Homosexual Advocacy Group Pushes for Benefits

In perhaps the most dismissed — and yet most widely predicted — response to the repeal of the policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” a homosexual advocacy group is pushing for military benefits currently denied to homosexuals.

Far from simply relying on the eventual undoing of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network says the military can actually grant benefits consistent with the law:  Read more

Homosexuality and Religion in the Military: The Right to Be Wrong

The Journal of Faith and War reprints a well-written commentary on the repeal of the policy most commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the US military.  Written by retired Cols Al Shine* and Don Snider, “The Right to be Wrong” forwards a simple premise:  If homosexuality is to be permitted in the military, the military must have a decidedly — and explicitly — neutral stance between both opposing ideologies:  Read more

The US Marine Corps and Opinions on Homosexuality

The text of the briefs given to US servicemembers on the repeal of the policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is publicly available. Notably, it starts out with this phrase:

This brief is NOT an attempt to change anyone’s opinion about the subject of homosexuality. [emphasis original]

Later, the presentation says this:

There Is No Expectation To Change Religious or Moral Views: Soldiers will not be expected to change their personal views and religious beliefs. They must, however, continue to treat all Soldiers with dignity and respect. [formatting original]

With that in mind, the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, SgtMaj Michael Barrett, toured bases in the Pacific with the Commandant of the Marine Corps General James Amos in June. Addressing DADT Read more

Obama Appoints Homosexual Veteran to West Point Board

The Wall Street Journal noted President Barack Obama appointed openly homosexual Army veteran Brenda “Sue” Fulton to the US Military Academy (West Point) Advisory Board.

Fulton is USMA Class of 1980, the first West Point class to include women. She is also part of the Forum on the Military Chaplaincy, an activist organization toward DADT repeal.  Another member of the “forum,” retired Navy Chaplain (CAPT) John Gundlach, recently called military members’ religious opposition to repeal “bigotry.”

The WSJ notes her appointment puts  Read more

House Passes Defense Bill with Homosexual Marriage Restriction

The US House of Representatives passed the 2012 Defense Appropriations bill last week.  (The previously-passed Defense Authorization Act ‘authorizes’ the military, while the Appropriations Act funds it.)  It included an amendment affecting funding for Chaplain training, intended to prohibit them from performing ‘homosexual marriage’ ceremonies in military chapels, regardless of state law.  It was intended to ensure military policy remained Read more

Homosexual Marine Accused of Sham Marriage for Benefits

Three US Marines at Camp Pendleton stand accused of entering sham marriages to obtain access to financial benefits.  It all started when a homosexual Marine wanted to live with her girlfriend but “couldn’t afford it:”

[US Marine Corporal Ashley] Vice told CNN affiliate KGTV in San Diego that she wanted to live off base with her girlfriend, Jaime Murphy, as a couple. Murphy is a civilian.

But on her salary, she couldn’t afford it.

So she says she found a Marine, Jeremiah Griffin, who agreed to marry her so she could receive the $1,200 per month living stipend the Marine Corps gives to married couples living off base.

Her homosexual partner eventually married a third Marine, Joseph Garner, for the same reason.  Vice has told the press the three will likely face jail time, since they are unable to pay back the funds they are accused of getting fraudulently.

Ultimately, the military’s response has nothing to do with homosexuality; Read more

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