Homosexuals, Christians Agree on Opposition to Plural Marriage

In a somewhat strange interview on NPR, the host of Tell Me More spoke with an advocate of homosexual marriage (Jonathan Rauch) and an opponent of it (the ADF’s Austin Nimocks).  The point was to argue whether or not the acceptance of homosexual “marriage” necessarily leads down a path that will eventually accept plural marriage.

Many people criticized the logic of opposition to homosexual marriage, so it was almost comical to see Rauch’s reasoning for opposing plural marriage.  In short, it results in unattached, sexually frustrated males:  Read more

Military Uniform can Defend Homosexuality, but not Breastfeeding

Two members of the Washington state National Guard were recently photographed while breastfeeding their children.  Just as the Time cover recently did, Senior Airman Terran Echegoyen-McCabe and Staff Sgt. Christina Luna also caused controversy, but not for the same reason.  Other moms were also photographed, but it was their presence in uniform that caused the consternation.

While there were some variations of criticism (they didn’t have their hats on outside!), the response from the Washington Air National Guard, which oversees their unit based at Fairchild AFB, WA, was the one that mattered:  Read more

USAFA Graduates First Open Homosexuals

An ABCNews article noted the US Air Force Academy recently graduated its “first openly gay cadets,” though it might have misspoken when it did so:

The LGBT students couldn’t be picked out of the crowd of white and blue. But gay and lesbian advocates, academy alums, school officials and current students said they were there…

[Trish] Heller said her group had connected with at least four members of the class of 2012 receiving diplomas today who had come out Read more

Annapolis Mids Highlight Hostility toward Opposing Homosexuality

The recent kerfuffle over amendments to the NDAA that would protect the religious liberty of US troops who oppose homosexuality has risen even to the minority leader of the US House.  Rep Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) said claims of military chaplains needing a “conscience clause” were a “fraud.”  The Obama administration had previously seemed to indicate the “rights” of homosexuals outweighed those of Chaplains and other members of the military.

However, in a related article intended to communicate the “non-event” of DADT repeal, The Baltimore Sun validated claims that an environment has been created in the US military hostile toward those opposed to homosexuality, despite official military statements to the contrary.

In The Baltimore Sun article, homosexual midshipmen at the US Naval Academy Read more

Stripes Letter to Editor over Homosexual Kiss Raises Ire

Master Sgt. Corey Wade of Kandahar, Afghanistan, wrote a letter to the editor that was published on Stars and Stripes.  He was objecting to the widely publicized photo of a homosexual male Marine kissing his partner upon his return from deployment.

The photo you posted in the March 4 Mideast and Pacific editions with the article “Gay Marine’s homecoming kiss gets worldwide notice” is both disgusting and outrageous. It’s bad enough Read more

Spike in HIV Caused by Military Homosexuals

The Associated Press reported that a local spike in cases of HIV was attributed to military men seeking sex partners on line.

Of the nine people infected in 2011, eight were men who had sex with other men, according to the agency. Seven were either in the Army in Fairbanks or had sexual partners in the military…

The department released the information because health officials think others may have contracted HIV from the infected people but do not know it yet. Jones said that’s why the department took the unusual step of publicizing the outbreak.

In itself, this is not insignificant:  HIV disqualifies members of the military from overseas service, and a soldier was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison for giving a woman HIV.

One of the military’s responses to this incident:  Read more

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