Chaplain Abandons Faith Group over Homosexuality

The Associated Press (reprinted in the Air Force Times) finally caught up to the story from last week over Chaplain (Col) Timothy Wagoner’s decision to leave the Southern Baptist Convention.  He had been portrayed in a news article as supportive of a homosexual ceremony he attended at a military chapel.

There is a bit of new information, though, and it appears commenter DrewCollins+ was prescient:

The chaplain, Col. Timothy Wagoner, is remaining on active duty and has affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, which holds more moderate views on homosexuality and some other issues than the Southern Baptists.

As an organization, the CBF holds almost no views, except to say Read more

Congress Criticizes Defense Department for Homosexual Parade

Senator Jim Inhofe of the Senate Armed Services Committee “respectfully requested” that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta explain why members of the US military were authorized to wear their uniforms in a homosexual “pride” parade in San Diego.

In a letter to Panetta, Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma said department rules bar service members from participating in political activities while in uniform and pressed Panetta on why a waiver was granted, who requested it and why it was considered over others.

The Congressmen also noted that other military members have been punished for doing what the DoD authorized in this instance:  Read more

Military Uniforms Highlight San Diego Homosexual Parade

The San Diego homosexual “pride” parade became the latest event at which US military uniforms were used to proudly exclaim the fact a group of people liked having sex with people of their own gender.

As with other events, there was an undercurrent of disagreement with the frequent statements that homosexuality is a non-issue in the US military.  For example:

Gay service members say obstacles remain, largely from other people’s strong personal views against homosexuality or their discomfort around the subject…

While news articles on the topic are Read more

Chaplain who Watched Homosexual Ceremony Leaves Baptists

Chaplain (Col) Timothy Wagoner made headlines when he “supportively” attended a homosexual “commitment ceremony” at McGuire AFB.  He made headlines again when his endorsing agency publicly clarified that they continued to oppose homosexuality and semblances of homosexual “unions.”  For his part, Chaplain Wagoner noted he was quoted out of context and in such a way as to imply he “condoned” the ceremony, when in fact he did not.

Now, Chaplain Wagoner has informed his endorsing agency that he is leaving the Southern Baptist Convention:

“If an SBC chaplain concludes he cannot conduct his ministry Read more

Military Homosexual Ceremony Prompts Chaplain Clarification

The endorsing agent for Southern Baptist chaplains in the US military recently reiterated its stance against recognition of homosexual unions.  The impetus was the AP article on the McGuire AFB “civil union” event attended by Southern Baptist Chaplain (Col) Timothy Wagoner.

Retired US Army Chaplain (MajGen) Douglas Carver — former chief of all Army chaplains — is the executive director of the North American Mission Board, which endorses Southern Baptist chaplains in the US military:

“When the AP story first came out, we contacted Chaplain Wagoner and he assured us he was either misinterpreted or quoted out of context in the story,” Carver said.

Chaplain Wagoner “strongly refutes” the story that implies Read more

Marine Officer Invited to White House Because He is Homosexual

The US Air Force Academy football team was invited to the White House to receive the Commander in Chief’s trophy for their victory in the traditional rivalry between the military academy football teams.

US Army SFC Leroy Petry was invited to the White House to be presented the Medal of Honor.

According to US Marine Capt Matthew Phelps, he was apparently invited to the White House because he’s homosexualRead more

Homosexual Ceremony Conducted in Military Chapel Despite Law

A chaplain at Fort Polk, Louisiana, has reportedly conducted a same-sex ceremony within the military chapel despite Louisiana’s ban on homosexual marriage:

U.S. Rep. John Fleming, R-La., said in a statement Wednesday that the “marriage-like” ceremony performed for two women by an Army chaplain shouldn’t have been allowed because Louisiana law doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage or civil union. U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., claims the ceremony violates Defense Department policy.

Congressman Todd Akin called it a clear violation of state law and military policies, while the participants (and the chaplain) got around that little problem Read more

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