Homosexual Websites Claim Military Censorship

A few homosexual advocacy websites have used their military members’ access to DoD networks to claim the US military is censoring websites identified as “LGBT.”

It’s bad enough the United States Department of Defense censors Towleroad and AMERICAblog – banning the gay civil rights Web sites from being accessed on DOD computers – and it’s even worse that the Pentagon has no problem permitting their computers to access Ann Coulter’s and Rush Limbaugh’s hate-filled Web sites…

While claiming persecution is all the rage, this is actually really old news.  The ACLU has been going after libraries and public schools for years for using the same web filtering software — BlueCoat and its categories — the DoD uses.  So much ire has been aimed at BlueCoat it has revised the wording of its filter and made a point of publishing its ‘neutral stance’ on the topic.  It only provides a service; its customers choose how to employ it.

Also, as noted before (when an Air Force Sergeant tried to get ChristianFighterPilot.com blocked from military servers as “hate speech”), it is difficult to Read more

Homosexual Denied Membership in Army Spouse’s Club

Update: The Fort Bragg spouse group says some of the public accusations against them are “misrepresented.”

A homosexual woman lodged a public complaint after being denied membership in Fort Bragg’s “Association of Officers’ Spouses.”

[Ashley] Broadway said the social group — which is not an official military organization — told her she could not join because while she has a marriage certificate, she doesn’t have a military spouse ID…

Broadway says the clause about the ID card was added after she was denied, in what she believes was an effort to exclude same-sex spouses.

Broadway has indicated that she “has a case…because the group violated their by-laws.”  Notably, that hinges on the definition of the word spouse.   Federally, homosexuals are not recognized as “married.”  In North Carolina, which is where Fort Bragg is located, the state Constitution defines marriage as a man and woman.  In that regard, Broadway’s argument fails because she isn’t a “spouse,” though that may still depend on one’s political leanings.

Conveniently, Broadway works for the American Military Partner Association — which, just coincidentally, is a homosexual advocacy group focused on obtaining benefits for homosexual partners of military members.

Naturally, her group publicized the decision and condemned it:  Read more

Retired Soldier Investigated for Remarks on Homosexuality

LifeSiteNews reports retired US Army 1SG Lynn Vanzandt, a JROTC instructor in Huntsville, AL, is being investigated by the Department of Education for allegations of harassment and discrimination, based on statements he made regarding the Bible and homosexuality:

The Department of Education sent a letter to Huntsville City Schools Superintendent Casey Wardynski this week, informing him that federal investigators will look into claims of alleged harassment Read more

West Point Chapel Hosts Homosexual Ceremony

Multiple news outlets carried the Associated Press report on a homosexual ceremony conducted in the Cadet Chapel at the US Military Academy at West Point (though the Stars and Stripes probably wins for the most interesting comments).

Penelope Gnesin and Brenda Sue Fulton, a West Point graduate, exchanged vows in the regal church in an afternoon ceremony, attended by about 250 guests and conducted by a senior Army chaplain…

It was not the first such service at West Point, though Read more

Chaplains Group says Military Homosexuals Demand Privileges

Retired Chaplain (Col) Ron Crews penned a lengthy commentary at The Washington Times entitled “Homosexuals in the military demand special privileges: Toleration doesn’t cut both ways.”  The article collects many of the tidbits that have been mentioned off-hand in other media articles claiming DADT repeal has had no effect — the one liners have been quoted as asides that ‘some are claiming otherwise.’

The first anniversary of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Sept. 20, has come and gone. Now, there is mounting evidence that proves our warnings were not idle chatter. The threat to freedom posed by this radical sexual experiment on our military is real: It is grave and it is growing.

The article contains an extensive list of examples of negative repercussions from the acceptance of homosexuality in the US military:

Officials have allowed personnel in favor of repeal to speak to media while those who have concerns have been ordered to be silent. Two airmen were publicly harassed…[for] privately discussing their concerns about the impact of repeal.

A chaplain was encouraged…to resign [or] “get in line with the new policy…” Another chaplain was threatened with early retirement, and then reassigned to be more “closely supervised” because he had expressed concerns with the policy change…

Service members…protested a service school’s open-door policy…The protesters claimed that they had a right to participate in sexual behavior with their same-sex roommates.

While this article lacks detail in most of the examples, many have been discussed in greater specificity before.  For example, as discussed here the chaplain told to “get in line” was in a briefing in 2010 — and the comment came from then-Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm Mike Mullen.

The “problem” with the examples isn’t specificity; it is that in and of themselves they are largely not actionable.  An Admiral telling an officer to ‘get in line or get out’ is perfectly militarily acceptable — unless one is willing to consider the Admiral was failing the military’s own directive to demonstrate tolerance for the officer’s religious viewpoint.  Even then, it is, at best, an indicator of the military culture, and not necessarily an actionable violation of a specific regulation.  Being harassed for opposing homosexuality is currently in vogue, and demanding an exception to the open door policy is reprehensible (and unwise), but it is not illegal.

In other words, most of these examples demonstrate a negative impact on servicemembers as a result of the repeal of DADT.  In fact, they may be indicators of the greater cultural narrative being pushed in the military today.

The difficulty is in challenging that narrative.  While these examples may demonstrate a cultural shift toward an environment hostile to those morally opposed to homosexuality (and supportive of those who defend it), it is difficult or impossible to cite chapter and verse of military regulations against a “culture.”

In the end, those who are morally opposed to homosexuality are left with evidence of a potentially hostile culture in the military — despite reassurances to the contrary.  However, since that cultural shift does not technically violate any regulations, those who support military service by open homosexuals are able to simply say “tough.”

On the other hand, this may be evidence that specific rules protection the religious liberty of those morally opposed to homosexuality are, in fact, required.  They have been proposed in Congress before and failed to make it through conference committee.  They were proposed again this year.  Were such legislation to be passed, action taken against a servicemember because of their expression of moral or religious opposition to homosexuality would be explicitly prohibited.  In other words, there would be a chapter and verse regulation to cite, even if a “hostile” culture existed.

Military Homosexuals Denigrate Army in Rally for Publicity

As framed by a self-described member of the military “LGBT community” (a moniker that technically includes violators of military regs, since the “T” is banned from military service) took to the internet after an affront by Army Public Affairs.  CW2 “Tania D” sent a message to “Have a Gay Day,” asking them to promote a photo that was presumably ‘censored’ due to “discrimination:”  Read more

Media Celebrates First Homosexual General Officer

Multiple news articles have covered the promotion of US Army Reserve General Tammy Smith, who became the first actively serving, openly homosexual General officer in the US military.  General Smith herself has made little public issue of her sexual preference:

“All of those facts are irrelevant,” she said. “I don’t think I need to be focused on that. What is relevant is upholding Army values and the responsibility this carries.”

General Smith’s homosexual partner, Tracey Hepner, is an Read more

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