[The text below was forwarded through the enlisted chain of command; portions were quoted on FoxNews.]
SUBJECT: Respecting the Beliefs of All Airmen
Importance: Low
1. Every Airman needs to respect every other Airman and be a good wingman. Air Force leaders and commanders have continued to emphasize the importance of mutual respect. This includes our respect for the beliefs of others. Climate surveys at our Air Force Academy have pointed out instances where respect may be lacking or where declaring one s own religious beliefs may be perceived as imposing on others.
Commanders must be alert to the issue of religious respect throughout our Air Force. The Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Lt Gen Roger Brady, is leading a Task Force that will gather the facts at USAFA, assess policy and practice, and compile a report of findings and recommendations that will be completed over the next few weeks. In the meantime, the acting Secretary has asked that Commanders across our Air Force bring the following principles into their crosscheck: Read more