Category Archives: Government and Religion

Eglin AFB Removes Bible from Waiting Room. Leaves People Magazine.

In a shocking capitulation to an anti-Christian activist, the US Air Force removed a Bible from the pile of reading material in a medical waiting room because Michael “Mikey” Weinstein was offended over its mere presence:


A Bible has been removed from the waiting room of Eglin Air Force Base Allergy and Immunization Clinic after a military retiree contacted the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and expressed concern.

Faced with the apparently unsolvable legal conundrum about what to do with a Bible in public, the Eglin AFB leadership declined to make the decision themselves:  Read more

General Marty Dempsey: There Are No Atheists in Foxholes

dempsey3Almost exactly a year ago, US Army General Martin Dempsey was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — the top ranking uniformed member of the US military and primary military advisor to the President. Known for his humility and his penchant for singing, he was not as publicly known for his faith — something that appears to be showing now that he is retired.

Appearing at Duke University on September 8th, now-retired Gen Dempsey spoke of his experiences with morality, religion, and faith in the US military — including his agreement with the belief that “there are no atheists in foxholes” [emphasis added]:

“You know that thing about ‘there’s no atheist in a foxhole?’ It’s true,” Dempsey said.

There was none of this, ‘oh my gosh you shouldn’t be praying in your uniform, let’s keep separation of church and state’ — you go into something like Baghdad, you’re going to say a prayer before, during and after.”

The timing was surely a coincidence, but General Dempsey’s Read more

Navy Secretary Appears to Equate Gay “Heroism” with Medal of Honor

mabus2Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has “raised a few eyebrows” recently, according to the Associated Press, when he’s chosen some unusual people for whom to name US Navy vessels (previously noted here):

Why, critics questioned, would he name a ship in honor of the late gay rights leader Harvey Milk or after former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords when there are plenty of military heroes to choose from?

The answer? Mabus says he’s trying to “connect” people with the US Navy and Marine Corps by highlighting “heroism” outside of the naval services.

Retired VAdm Doug Crowder noted Mabus had the “right” to name the ships, but Read more

Teller: Jewish Practice in the US Military

Over at the Jewish Press, Rabbi Hanoch Teller has a fascinating series tracing in storytelling form several major stories in the history of Judaism in the US military. The first two articles describe the story of Mitchell Geller, who after many years of military service starting in the 1950s was ultimately forced out over a beard he refused to shave — resulting in him losing his retirement. The interesting end to the story can be read in Part II.

The third and fourth articles in the series begin the story of S. Simcha Goldman, the Navy chaplain turned Read more

Report: Retired SNCO Not Tossed from Ceremony over Religion

oscarThe Air Force Inspector General released its report (PDF here) on the incident involving retired USAF SMSgt Oscar Rodriguez in April. Rodriguez was invited to the retirement of fellow SNCO Chuck Roberson to give a narration during the flag-folding. When he rose to do so, several uniformed SNCOs physically through Rodriguez out of the building.

The IG was apparently tasked by none other than the Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James (she responding to a demand by Senator John McCain) to conduct the investigation — though they were apparently only tasked to investigate the “facts and circumstances”, not any specific allegation:

The 23 Jun 16 SAF/IG tasking order specifically directs the Investigation Office to, “…conduct an inquiry into the facts and circumstances surrounding the event; the governing laws, regulations, and policies and how they were applied.”

The IG ultimately concluded the decision to eject Rodriguez from the ceremony was  Read more

Mikey Weinstein May Meet Mike the Knight

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has launched blistering attacks at Peterson Air Force Base recently, as an Air Force Colonel investigated her subordinate — at Weinstein’s behest — but, much to his dismay and disgust, found nothing wrong with the Bible on the officer’s desk.

With the salvos being launched at their Airmen, perhaps Peterson’s leadership should introduce Weinstein to another Mike: the 21st Space Wing’s mascot, Mike the Knight:

miketheknight4Mike the Knight has been personified by different people over the years (and he was the Iron Knight a few years ago). Currently, the chain mail is filled by the aptly named SSgt Gary ChristensenRead more

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