Category Archives: Government and Religion

Author: Moral Injury in our Longest Wars

David Wood was interviewed by Alex Horton of the Stars and Stripes on his recently released book, “What Have We Done: The Moral Injury of our Longest Wars.” Wood is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and his take on morality, killing, and war could be interesting [emphasis added]:

I think everyone who goes to war comes back with some form of moral injury.

The simplest definition of moral injury is a violation of your sense of what’s right. We all walk around with a sense of what’s right…

The problem is, in war you can’t possibly live up to those ideals… In my experience, people we send to war struggle with what they see and do, what they have done to them. And that’s moral injury.

Wood essentially says the Read more

The Design for Human Sexuality

by Sonny Hernandez

A Gospel Tract for service members who struggle with sexually immoral conduct
(LGBTQ, fornication, adultery, incest and bestiality)

Important Note: If you are a service member in any branch of the Armed Forces and you are struggling with sexual immorality (LGBTQ, fornication, adultery, incest, and bestiality), please know that you are not alone. As a Christian, I pray regularly for you, and I care about your eternal destiny. Please accept this tract as a gift from me to you. It will help you understand your purpose in life, the problem of evil, the good news of salvation, and God’s design for human sexuality. Though the government has adopted permissive policies regarding sexually immoral conduct, you must understand these lifestyles are contrary to the Word of God.

I. Acknowledge the One True God  Read more

FRC: Marines Right to Recognize Spiritual Fitness

The Family Research Council recently commended the US Marine Corps for announcing an increased emphasis on “spiritual fitness” (previously discussed).

The FRC’s Travis Weber made this astute observation [emphasis added]:

As we continue to face instances of religion being scrubbed from the military, whether through the removal of Bibles from public displays in military facilities, or the censorship of religious references by commanders, the Marine Corps’ action reminds us of the potentially detrimental effects of the elimination of the spiritual aspect of military service.

It is undeniable that the spiritual component of our human nature plays an important role in the business of warfare. It must be addressed, and we neglect it at our own peril. For these reasons and more, the Marine Corps’ announcement recognizing its importance is welcome indeed.

Weber is right: There is a substantial Read more

Navy Chaplain Experiences Religious Freedom — after Retirement

The military now leads the way in a lot of immoral behavior, where five years ago it led the way in honor, courage, and commitment. We need a moral fighting force.

US Navy Chaplain (LtCmdr) Wes Modder — almost drummed out of the service in 2015 after homosexuals complained about his religious beliefs — recently retired, and he expressed frustration that his career was essentially ended by the unjust homosexual complaint:  Read more

US Air Force Academy to Host Live Nativity

Four years after Jason Torpy’s third-party atheist complaint brought an end to a children’s live nativity in Bahrain, the US Air Force Academy continues the same tradition this week:

The Christmas tree and Hanukah Menorah lighting ceremony begins at 5 p.m. with a Hanukah [sic] and Nativity story performed by children.

In 2012 Jason Torpy, vicariously offended that a Naval base in Bahrain would allow its children to re-enact the nativity scene, filed an IG complaint alleging the kids were violating the US Constitution. The local Read more

Top Air Force General Explains the Pilot’s Prayer

Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein recently explained how modern technology has changed the “pilot’s prayer”:

“When I grew up flying F-16s, the pilot’s prayer was, ‘Please God, let me find my target and not let my buddies down,’” Goldfein said. “It’s changed. In precision warfare and the information age, it’s ‘Please God, let me hit the right target, and not let my buddies down…”

(Not to be confused with the Fighter Pilot Prayer, also known as “The Lord is my Crew Chief.”)

General Goldfein’s point was that technology has advanced to the point that pilots almost always hit what they aim at — so their prayer now is that they’re aiming at the right target (a surprisingly difficult challenge in the fog and friction of war, sometimes).

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein will now Read more

Mikey Weinstein Credited with Electing Donald Trump

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, last week Charisma Magazine listed the “Five People Donald Trump Should Be Thankful for,” and coming in at #5 was an unusual pick: Michael “Mikey” Weinstein.

Really? [emphasis added]

5. Mikey Weinstein and the Freedom From Religion Foundation…

Relentless legal threats over the public expression of faith by Mikey Weinstein (of Military Religious Freedom Foundation), the ACLU and Freedom From Religion Foundation backfired when Americans raised their voices through their vote.

At least to some, it seems the constant attacks on Read more

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