Category Archives: Government and Religion

Mikey Weinstein Demands “Aggressive Punishment” after LtGen Steven Kwast Mentions God

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein recently demanded the US Air Force “aggressively punish” LtGen Steven Kwast, Commander and President of the Air Force’s Air University, claiming he violated Air Force regulations by “discuss[ing]” his faith.

While typical and not unlike his rebuffed accusations against LtCol Michael Kersten, this Weinstein complaint is unique in its near-honesty.

First, Weinstein readily admitted he filed the complaint only because LtGen Kwast “openly discussed his (Christian) faith” (parentheses original) and, shockingly, quoted the Bible:

Lt. Gen. Steven L. Kwast openly discussed his (Christian) faith by, among other faith-based statements, quoting New Testament scripture from Matthew 25:21…

It would be more accurate to say LtGen Kwast mentioned his faith, but it’s Read more

Mikey Weinstein: Trump Inaugural, Sky Falling. Send Money.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has nearly come unhinged in the past few days as he’s posted frothing attacks at soon-to-be President Donald Trump and his incoming administration — aligning those attacks, of course, with a televangelist-style plea that people send him money — because he is their only hope.

As with everyone else he dislikes, Weinstein called Trump and those associated with him names, including declaring Trump a “dictator.” That Trump was voluntarily and lawfully elected by more than 60 million Americans — in an outcome even Hillary Clinton accepted — appears to have escaped the fact-challenged Weinstein.

Naturally, Mikey Weinstein doesn’t cite a single thing about Read more

US Air Force Highlights Transgender Airman’s Sexual Journey

In a near-novel length official article, the US Air Force highlighted the sexual journey of SSgt Ashleigh Buch as “he” became “she” under military policy — including the proclamation that Buch is the “only openly transgender Airman in the Air Force” currently allowed to be on flight status. Previously, Buch’s medical status would have been disqualifying.

Not too much unlike the previously discussed Air Force article discussing the sexuality of a retired USAF Major, this article similarly acts as a platform to promote the validity, truth, and virtue of transexuality. In the article, Public Affairs representative SrA Rachel Hammes says of Buch:

She was, to the casual observer, still a man.

But she wasn’t, and had never been…

Beyond stating Buch’s personal feelings as facts for the rest of the Air Force to accept, the article Read more

Army Secretary on the Service and Society

“What drives me personally is the view that the more the Army looks like society and the more voices we can bring in, the stronger that we’re gonna be.”
Eric Fanning, outgoing Secretary of the Army

The idea that it is good for the US military to reflect society has been around for a long time — but it is predicated on an underlying assumption: That is, society is decent, honorable, and of moral character.

If society is not those things, then the military shouldn’t “look like” society — rather, it should be made up of men and women who are better than the average of society. The perception (truth notwithstanding) that Read more

President Obama Leaves Office Unpopular with Military

Regardless of individual opinions on particular policy decisions, President George W. Bush was very popular within the US military, largely due to the genuine and sincere care he displayed and very obviously felt for the troops he led. Even after he left office, President Bush continued to serve and visit troops in the hospital — most often without any fanfare whatsoever.

The Military Times has posted the results of a poll that indicates President Barack Obama will leave office with the majority of the US military viewing him “unfavorably” (by wide margins, in some cases). The paper Read more

The President: Politics, Morality, Religion are Inseparable

We poison our society when we remove its theological underpinnings…Those who believe must be free to speak of and act on their belief, to apply moral teaching to public questions…

Without God, there is no virtue…Without God, we’re mired in the material…Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure.

If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.

President Ronald Reagan’s Remarks at an Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast in Dallas, Texas
August 23, 1984

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, very much. And, Read more

FRC Highlights Potential Trump Religious Freedom Targets

The Family Research Council has been highlighting the “top 20 ways” Donald Trump can dramatically and quickly influence “values issues” in his first 100 days in office.

At #15, the FRC said

Address Regulations Regarding Military Service of People Identifying as Transgender

Notably, FRC simply called on the administration to “address” the regulations — they didn’t explicitly call for the issue to be reversed.

At #18, the FRC said

Strengthen DOD Religious Freedom Protection

Here, the FRC highlighted Service-specific regulations (AFI 1-1, SECNAVINST Read more

Marine Aviator Criticizes Monifa Sterling, Religious Freedom Case

Carl Forsling, a retired Marine MV-22 pilot, recently took to Task and Purpose to criticize the current Supreme Court appeal of court-martialed Marine LCpl Monifa Sterling. One part of Sterling’s case, as you’ll recall, centered on her decision to post a paraphrased Bible verse on her desk — which she was ordered to take down. Forsling opines:

Sterling worked in a customer-service job at an ID center, so people conducting their official business had to read the verse. This made effectively made something that was supposedly for her own personal inspiration into proselytization.

To quote Inigo Montoya: “You keep using that word…” How does a posting a verse from Isaiah translate into an attempt to convert other people to a religion?  In short, it doesn’t, but claiming that Read more

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