Category Archives: Government and Religion

US Army Assists Catholic Charities in Disaster Relief Planning

The nonprofit Catholic Charities in New York recently received in-depth training from the US Army Reserves on planning for disaster relief operations:

“We are here to provide a baseline capability for Catholic Charities in emergency planning and continuity of operations planning,” said Mr. Robert Stabb, Emergency Management Specialist at U.S. Army Reserve Command. “Catholic Charities is part of Read more

US Air Force Defends Posters Discussing Value of Faith

The US Air Force’s Air Combat Command summarily rebuffed Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s complaint that it had “compromis[ed] the integrity of its solemn oath” and violated the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the US Constitution.

Because of a poster.

As reported by the Air Force Times:

A pair of posters that focus on the importance of faith, which have been on display at Air Combat Command headquarters at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, for years, will not be altered — despite recent complaints about them — according to command officials.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation had contacted the base about removing the posters after complaints from the Langley community.

Weinstein apparently waited for a slow news day to reveal his loss to the Air Force, given that he was initially contacted by the “client” nearly two weeks ago and he normally revels in the Air Force’s immediate reaction.

The Air Force seemed unmoved [emphasis added]:  Read more

Beware of the NCMAF Compromise! An Adjuration for Bible-Affirming Chaplain Endorsers

An adjuration for Bible-Affirming Military Chaplain Endorsing Agencies to come out from among them (2 Corinthians 6:14-17)

by Sonny Hernandez

The National Conference on Ministry to Armed Forces (NCMAF) began in 1982 as a private, non-profit organization that connects member faith groups with military and VA chaplaincies, and claims to “celebrate the religious diversity of the United States of America.”

The NCMAF has members that are Roman Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox, Buddhist, Islamic, professing Christians, and even claims to span the total theological spectrum of religious life in the United States. What this means is that NCMAF has members that unite together who accept idolatry, blasphemy, sexual degeneracy, Trinitarian heresies, adulation to false gods, and even compromise from professing Christian endorsing agencies that align themselves with a theologically depraved conglomeration.

I. Biblical Edict

If an ecclesiastical endorsing agency affirms Read more

Mikey Weinstein Strikes Again — against Christians of course!

By Sonny Hernandez

On Feb 3, 2017, the Air Force Times reported a “wing commander’s prayer breakfast invite spark[ed] [an] IG complaint,” which was a result of a third party complaint filed by Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) to the 42nd Air Base Wing (ABW) inspector general (IG).

The complaint was allegedly filed after several people at Maxwell Air Force Base contacted the MRFF after the 42nd ABW commander used his commander’s box to invite everyone in the wing to a National Prayer Breakfast. Weinstein claims the invite constituted a clear violation of Air Force Instruction (AFI) 1-1, paragraph 2.12 (Balance of Free Exercise of Religion and Establishment Clause).

The complaint filed against the 42nd ABW Commander does not Read more

Virgin Islands National Guard Ministers to Troops

Members of the Unit Ministry Team of the Virgin Islands National Guard — yes, that’s a thing — were deployed to the National Capital Region to support the US troops who were supporting the inauguration:

“Our job was basically to ensure that soldiers’ morale and welfare remained upbeat,” said Capt. Dion Christopher, VING’s chaplain…

“We were based out of Ludlow Elementary school…where virtually all of Task Force Capital met, so we were able to bed down with the soldiers there, meet with them, and participate in a worship experience on the night prior to the inauguration,” [Sgt. Terry Phillip, religious affairs specialist] said.

The US military’s support for the inauguration is Read more

Mikey Weinstein Pummeled After Prayer Breakfast Complaint

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein filed a complaint with the Inspector General at Maxwell Air Force Base because the 42d Air Base wing commander, Col Erik Shafa, sent out an invitation to the National Prayer Breakfast. As reported by the Air Force Times:

Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, filed a third-party complaint…claiming the invite constituted a clear violation of Air Force Instruction 1-1, Section 2.12, Balance of Free Exercise of Religion and Establishment Clause.

Fortunately, Mikey Weinstein has been almost universally panned for the outlandish accusation.

As noted before, Weinstein assumes US troops are either cowards or sycophants — he thinks they either lack the intestinal fortitude to decline such an invitation, or they will attend solely to ingratiate themselves with their leadership.

Put another way, Tony Carr at John Q. Public wrote (in a cleverly titled “Why Weinstein is Right About Prayer Breakfast Invitation“) [emphasis added]:  Read more

President Donald Trump on Religious Freedom

Our Republic was formed on the basis that freedom is not a gift from government, but that freedom is a gift from God.

It was the great Thomas Jefferson who said, “The God who gave us life, gave us liberty.” Jefferson asked, “Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”…

Freedom of religion is a sacred right, but Read more

Troops Put Faith Above Country — and Mikey Weinstein Doesn’t Care

For all Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s vociferous pontifications on the principles of religious liberty, faith, and the US government, he’s never targeted other religions as he has Christianity. Weinstein and his acolytes are fond of accusing Christians in the military of being “dominionists” who put their faith above national allegiance.  Weinstein is even quoted on his own website making the hypernationalistic assertion that

There is only one religious symbol: the American flag.
There is only one religious scripture: the American Constitution.
Finally, there is only one religious faith: American patriotism.

Putting aside the similarities between Weinstein’s shockingly tone-deaf quote and 1930s Germany, it is worth noting Weinstein and his MRFF have never had quite the same Read more

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