Category Archives: Government and Religion

US Army General Hosts Islamic Iftar

US Army BGen Miguel Castellanos, the CJTF-HOA deputy commanding general, recently hosted an Islamic iftar to celebrate the breaking of the fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The event began with US Navy Chaplain (Cmdr) Abuhena Saifulislam leading some foreign troops in Islamic prayers. (Saifulislam had recently performed the same ritual for the State Department in Djibouti.)

BGen Castellanos made an interesting statement Read more

LGBT Advocates Make Outstanding Argument — Against Their Own Cause

Navy retired RAdm Michael Smith and Coast Guard retired RAdm Alan Steinman wrote an opinion piece in the Military Times calling on the DoD not to delay the inclusion of transgenders in the US military.  (This appears to be part of an organized campaign by homosexual activists to staunch the losses in their influence and their social “gains” following the election of President Trump.)

This was their shocking conclusion, in which they provide the counterargument to their demands [emphasis added]:  Read more

Pilots Join DC Gay Pride Parade

Every now and then someone critiques the idea of there being a “Christian Fighter Pilot.” For some (generally non-Christians), it is the perceived “oxymoron” of being a follower of Christ while simultaneously being a military combatant. Many who are trying to find something to gripe about critique the idea that there needs to be a “descriptor” to discriminate about types of fighter pilots. Why not just be fighter pilots?

In fairness, though, Christians haven’t been the only ones to “celebrate” their contribution to the military mission — or even being a fighter pilot. For example, a few years ago, the Atheist Fighter Pilot made a short-lived showing here, and religious groups and organizations have sprung up for a variety of faiths.

Apparently, pilots can be known for their faith, their lack of faith…

…and how they like to have sex.

This past weekend, one of the participants in the Capital Pride Read more

The Religious Test of Russell Vought, but Not Mark Green

Critics have come out in force against US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) after he said he would not support President Trump’s nominee for the deputy director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Russell Vought. Sanders’ reason? Vought has Christian beliefs, which he expressed in a column defending Wheaton College in 2016 in which he said that “Muslims stand condemned”:

Muslims do not simply have a deficient theology. They do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ his Son, and they stand condemned.

In his questioning during the confirmation hearing for Vought’s nomination to the OMB, Sanders asked:

Do you believe people in the Muslim religion stand condemned? Is that your view?

…I don’t know how many Muslims there are in America. Maybe a couple million. Are you suggesting that these people stand condemned? What about Jews? Do they stand condemned too?

In your judgment, do you think that people who are not Christians are going to be condemned?

I would simply say, Mr. Chairman that this nominee is really not someone who this country is supposed to be about.

Atheists, liberals, and Christians alike have condemned Read more

Troops, Military Leaders Say Discrimination is Prohibited. They’re Wrong.

The “failure” by President Trump to issue a Presidential Proclamation celebrating homosexual behavior in June, as well as the angst over whether the current Administration will reverse transgender “gains” in the US military, has boiled over into military training sessions and “pride” events. Within these discussions a recurring theme has arisen for which Capt Nathaniel Lee, 50th Operations group executive officer at Schriever Air Force Base, provides a relevant example. At a recent transgender panel discussion, Lee said [emphasis added]:

Our core values are very clear; and they are not consistent with discrimination of any kind. If anyone feels they are being discriminated against in any way, it is important to know the Air Force is here to support them…”

The problem is that Capt Lee is wrong.

When the gate guards only Read more

Vice President Pence: Military Service is “Putting Teeth on Your Faith”

Vice President Mike Pence, speaking at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast this week, had an interesting take on military religious freedom. As he paused to recognized veterans and service members present at the breakfast, he said

Would all those who are present here today who have worn the uniform of the United States of America, would those men and women please stand up and allow us to thank you for your service and putting teeth on your faith in defending our freedom? Thank you for your service.

It’s a fascinating way to think about it.

Pence also emphasized the President’s priority on Read more

Military Color Guard to Lead DC Gay Pride Parade

This Saturday, a parade through Washington, DC celebrating homosexuality will be led off by a US military color guard. The “tradition” started in 2014, and even then homosexual advocates recognized the significance of having the military ‘sanction’ their event by participating in it.

Notably, at about that same time churches had local military color guards suddenly banned from their traditional patriotic celebrations — even though those military units weren’t participating in the church’s event, but merely posting the colors and then leaving. As recently as last December a military band was restricted from participating in a Christmas radio show, yet it seems parading down the streets of gay pride is kosher.  There were hopes expressed even then that the new Commander in Chief might bring about a change to that conflict.

The tragedy, of course, is Read more

MRFF Operates in the Red, Takes Government Money, but Mikey Weinstein Profits

For the first time since he first reported a donation in 2006, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation — the “charity” he started, operates, and for which he is the sole paid employee — spent more than it brought in, according to its IRS filings for 2015 (the most recent available).

In 2015, Weinstein brought in $668,000, which is nearly $30,000 less than the prior year (and marks the second year of declines). The MRFF’s expenses totaled $677,000, putting Weinstein on the red side of the ledger.

Of course, that’s somewhat academic when you’re running your own charity. For one thing, the MRFF is sitting on a rainy day cash pile of more than $200,000. (This year represents the first time that account showed withdrawal.) Also, all Weinstein had to do was reduce his own pay by $9,000 — a number he reportedly votes on — and he could have been operating in the black, if he’d chosen to.

Instead, Mikey Weinstein gave himself a raise, from $244,000 in 2014 to $264,000 in 2015.  Put another way, about 40% of the MRFF’s donations go directly to Mikey Weinstein’s salary.

That said, it’s long been known that Mikey Weinstein likely has other “compensation” from Read more

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