Category Archives: Government and Religion

Benham Brothers Compare Mikey Weinstein’s Message with Hitler, Alinsky

Jason and David Benham, the two brothers whose HGTV show was canceled before it began due to their Christian beliefs, wrote an article at the end of May that took issue with Newsweek’s insinuations that Christians in the US military were a “national security threat”. (That article was previously discussed here.)

The Benhams take an interesting perspective, essentially saying Michael “Mikey” Weinstein is spewing propaganda — and when done long enough and loud enough, people start to believe it: Read more

Religious, Political, Military Opposition to Transgender Service Quietly Grows

As the Trump Department of Defense reconsiders the decision by the Obama Administration to allow “transgender” individuals to serve in the US military, indications of growing opposition even within the Armed Services are undercutting claims that transgenders in the military would be a “non-event.”

US Rep Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2018 that would have prohibited the military from accepting those who describe themselves as transgender. Representative Hunter agreed with her:

“This (policy) doesn’t make (troops) more effective or efficient or deadly. What it does is distract everybody,” said Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who served with the Marine Corps in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“I couldn’t imagine having to share showers with somebody that was a girl and didn’t have a surgery to become a man but kept the girl stuff and now she’s with a bunch of guys.”

Hunter’s comments were criticized by his political opponents:  Read more

The Conflict Between Transgender Military Policies and Religious Belief

“[US troops] who…subscribe to Christian belief as set forth in the Bible [believe] that God created humans male and female; that sex is innate, and unchangeable; and that their faith prohibits them from seeing or being seen in a state of undress, and from sleeping, showering or performing private bodily functions with members of the opposite sex who are not their spouse.

“These [service members] are also aware and subscribe to the belief that science confirms the biblical account: there are over 6,500 unique differences between males and females, beyond Read more

Symposium Seeks to Correct Record on Operation Kiddy Car

An interesting panel was recently held in Korea that commemorated — and attempted to correct the history on — Operation Kiddy Car, the US military’s evacuation of thousands of Korean orphans during the Korean War.

The operation and the autobiography by Dean Hess have been previously discussed, again when Hess died in 2015. The recent panel was held to try to re-emphasize the role of Chaplain (Col) Russell Blaisdell, whose role some feel has been unfairly ignored:

Blaisdell, his assistant Staff Sgt. Merle (Mike) Strang and South Korean social workers collected children from the streets and “saved many orphans from near-certain death,” according to an Air Force account of the operation…

Blaisdell…persuaded Col. T.C. Rogers — the unit’s director of operations and Read more

Activist Ashley Broadway: Unequivocal Proof Transgenders Strengthen Military

Last Friday the US military decided to delay enlisting those who identify as transgender, with Secretary of Defense James Mattis saying the policy proposal initiated under the previous Obama Administration would be reviewed with “one standard” in mind [emphasis added]:

Mattis said he believes the department must measure “each policy decision against one standard” — whether it affects the ability of the military to defend the nation.

This is unnerving to LGBT activists who have made a concerted effort to claim allowing people who identify as “transgender” to serve would ultimately have no effect on the military.  Thus, if anyone is able to demonstrate a negative affect on the ability of the military to defend the nation — say, the monetary cost, distraction to the primary mission, disruption to unit morale, loss of moral integrity, logistical questions and complaints, just to name a few — the LGBT’s progressive social agenda emplaced under President Obama could come to a screeching halt.

(Notably, there is an important precedent for this concern: The repeal of DADT Read more

Moving Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Features Bible

The Moving Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is a half-scale representation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, DC. The Moving Wall travels around the country, “paying tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.”

The wall was recently at Desert Hot Springs, California, where a local Marine Color Guard supported its opening ceremony.

The display of the wall has also included, in at least one case, a POW/MIA Remembrance Read more

Independence Day, July 4th, 2017

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”

“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for Read more

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