Category Archives: Government and Religion

Baltimore Recruit Center Bomber Gets 25 Years

Antonio Martinez attempted to detonate what he thought was a car bomb outside a recruiting center in Baltimore.  He pled guilty in January and has been sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Martinez said in a lengthy apology that he knew little of Islam when he was arrested and “all I had was a religious zeal.” Martinez repeatedly said that he has “renounced the misguidance of terrorism” and that the religion is not one “anyone in this courtroom should be afraid of.”

Martinez’s attempted bombing is one of 12 attempted or successful attacks on the US military by those apparently motivated by their Islamic faith, four of whom were Read more

Senator Kerry: Call of Jesus is to Service

Senator John Kerry (D-Ma) recently gave an interesting speech on his Catholic faith and his political career:

“I don’t usually talk about faith. It’s not something every audience wants to digest or is able to digest, but I believe the call of Jesus and every religious leader is the call to service,” Kerry told a few hundred students, faculty and other onlookers as he delivered the inaugural Richard F. Gross Distinguished Lecture inside the chapel at the Christian college. “I like to think that my entire career is an extension of my faith.”

Read more.

US Military Celebrates Easter in Afghanistan with Run for Jesus

Bagram Air Base’s chaplains organized a Run for Jesus 5-Miler in which nearly 600 US servicemembers attended a sunrise Easter service followed by a run around the base.  One group even carried an 8-foot cross.

The 82nd CAB Chaplain’s team hosted the first “Run for Jesus” on Bagram Apr. 8. Held on Easter Sunday, the 5-mile race began with a sunrise service hosted by three of the CAB Chaplains. More than 560 people completed the track around Bagram Airfield.

Nearly 700 photos of the event are available on the unit’s Facebook page (in Part I and Part II).

Other US servicemembers in Afghanistan were also able to take time Read more

Obama Celebrates Easter in Weekly Radio Address

In his weekly radio address, President Barack Obama highlighted the “lessons from Easter” that can

The story of Christ’s triumph over death holds special meaning for Christians, but all of us, no matter how or whether we believe can identify with elements of his story…

The President was criticized by some for saying that Jesus experienced fear and doubt during his earlier speech at the White House Easter prayer breakfast.

Remember the Crucifixion, Celebrate the Resurrection, Easter 2012

This Easter, celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, and take a moment to remember those who defend our freedoms while deployed around the world. They, too, will celebrate His resurrection — even in small outposts in Afghanistan, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa, and elsewhere. And then they’ll stand up, adjust their gear, and step out on their next mission, always at their Nation’s call.

The early morning sun drifts above the horizon during Easter sunrise services at Camp Liberty, Iraq. (Photo by Sgt. Mark Matthews)

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