Category Archives: Government and Religion

Cadet Memorialized at USAFA Cemetery

Cadet 2nd Class Yung Chin died while on leave in June; he had completed two years at the US Air Force Academy.  Every year the wing performs a homecoming memorial formation in which the names of deceased graduates are called (to the reply of “Absent, sir!”).  Regrettably, there are often cadet names included in those rolls; Cadet Chin’s name will be there this year.

What is somewhat unique about Cadet Chin’s memorial was the faith under which it was conducted:

Sensei Sarah Bender, the Academy’s Cadet Chapel Buddhist Program Leader, held a service that included remarks from friends and family, a memorial meditation, military honors and Celtic blessing as Chin’s ashes were interred at the cemetery…

Sensei Bender prayed for Chin to be healed and find peace. A committal ceremony followed.

While Buddhism is a very small minority within the US military, USAFA has had a Buddhist program for many years (even before the religious scandals of recent years).  The Academy, and the US military, generally do an admirable job of providing the spiritual resources that any military member, or their family, might need — even if they are a minority faith.

May God give comfort to the Chin family.

Muslim Soldier Convicted of Bomb Plot will Represent Himself

PFC Naser Abdo, the US Army Soldier convicted of plotting and preparing to kill his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, will represent himself during his sentencing on August 10th.

Army Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo told U.S. District Judge Walter Smith during a Thursday hearing in Waco, Texas, that he and his attorneys weren’t communicating effectively. Smith granted Abdo’s request to represent himself at his Aug. 10 sentencing.

Abdo was an approved conscientious objector under investigation for child pornography when he went AWOL, planned a high profile execution at Fort Campbell, and then traveled to Fort Hood to emulate his apparent hero, US Army Major Nidal Hasan.

Pentagon Grateful for Muslims on Front Lines, “Great Religion”

At a time when some critics accuse the US military of being too cozy with religion, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta hosted an iftar at the Pentagon to “celebrate a great religion.”

We’re grateful to be able to host this Iftar Dinner at the Pentagon and share in one of the great traditions of the Muslim faith…

During the decade of war that has followed [the 9/11] attacks, I am grateful that Muslim Americans have been fighting for Read more

Guilty Plea in Plot to Fly Remote Plane into Pentagon

Rezwan Ferdaus, planner of one of 12 terrorist plots against the US military by people apparently motivated by their Islamic faith, pleaded guilty to plotting to blow up the Pentagon by flying a remote controlled airplane into it laden with explosives.

Under a plea agreement, federal prosecutors agreed to drop four other charges. Prosecutors and Ferdaus’ lawyers also agreed to jointly recommend a 17-year prison term…

Siegmann said there were two main parts of his plan: to blow up the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol using remote-controlled planes and to kill American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan using improvised explosive devices detonated Read more

Congress Chides DoD on Response to Frivolous Complaints

A group of Congressmen has become the latest part of the government to take the US military to task for its apparent capitulation to external critics.  In this case, 23 members of the House signed a letter to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta concerning the removal of the DoD insignia from Holman Bibles, a “scandal” previously discussed.  The Congressmen said the issue was not that the seals were removed, but the fact the action was taken only because Michael Weinstein was bothered by it:

“The problem here is that it appears the decision made by DoD was in response to a manufactured, frivolous complaint,” [Congressman Alan] Nunnelee said.  “The military should not be succumbing to pressure from outside groups to alter longstanding policy.” 

The letter does not demand that permission to use the seals be returned; it is three paragraphs of concern over why it appears the US military keeps “bowing” to Michael Weinstein:  Read more

Congress Criticizes Defense Department for Homosexual Parade

Senator Jim Inhofe of the Senate Armed Services Committee “respectfully requested” that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta explain why members of the US military were authorized to wear their uniforms in a homosexual “pride” parade in San Diego.

In a letter to Panetta, Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma said department rules bar service members from participating in political activities while in uniform and pressed Panetta on why a waiver was granted, who requested it and why it was considered over others.

The Congressmen also noted that other military members have been punished for doing what the DoD authorized in this instance:  Read more

US House Votes to Ban Same Sex Marriage on Military Bases

The US House successfully passed (243-166) an amendment to the 2013 Defense Appropriations Bill (a funding mechanism, separate from the National Defense Authorization Act) that would ban homosexual marriages on US military bases.  (By contrast, the amendment to ban military sponsorships of sports team failed.)

Given the recent history of conference committees and the Democrat-controlled Senate, it is unlikely the amendment will survive to the final bill.

Via the ADF.

President Obama Issues Ramadan Statement

President Barack Obama issued a statement on the occasion of Ramadan, noting the ‘Arab spring’ that is helping countries “courageously achieve democracy.”

This year, Ramadan holds special meaning for those citizens in the Middle East and North Africa who are courageously achieving democracy and self-determination and for those who are still struggling to achieve their universal rights. The United States continues to stand with Read more

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