Category Archives: Government and Religion

Poor Spiritual Foundation May be Key to Military Suicides

An article at the Christian Post notes broken relationships are a strong trend in the list of contributing factors in those who commit suicide in the US military.  In addition, as has been noted here before, the concepts of moral injury and moral responsibility are significant in the US military — and young people today may not be equipped with the necessary moral foundation to deal with these issues.

A retired US Army chaplain said one of the contributing factors to suicide in today’s Army may be that men and women are entering the military with a substantially weaker spiritual foundation than prior generations — meaning they are often ill-equipped to handle the moral and life challenges they rapidly see in combat in today’s military:  Read more

Governmental Religious Segregation, 1930, or 2012?

Todd Starnes of Fox News raises an interesting comparison:

In the 1930s, the Germans tried to shut down Jewish-owned businesses. In 2012, Democrats are trying to shut down Christian-owned businesses.

Too much?  His argument is fairly robust.

There may be some room for comparison.  It gradually became “socially acceptable” in Nazi Germany to progressively discriminate specifically against Jews.  As many recent events have shown, Christianity is becoming the one religion that its “politically correct” to condemn in America today.

It may be a great irony that a 21st century self-described “Jewish agnostic who prays” — Michael Weinstein — has emerged as a Read more

Chaplain Abandons Faith Group over Homosexuality

The Associated Press (reprinted in the Air Force Times) finally caught up to the story from last week over Chaplain (Col) Timothy Wagoner’s decision to leave the Southern Baptist Convention.  He had been portrayed in a news article as supportive of a homosexual ceremony he attended at a military chapel.

There is a bit of new information, though, and it appears commenter DrewCollins+ was prescient:

The chaplain, Col. Timothy Wagoner, is remaining on active duty and has affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, which holds more moderate views on homosexuality and some other issues than the Southern Baptists.

As an organization, the CBF holds almost no views, except to say Read more

Commander in Chief Commended Bible Reading to Military Members

Anyone care to guess who said this?

As Commander-in-Chief, I take pleasure in commending the reading of the Bible to all who serve in the armed forces of the United States. Throughout the centuries, men of many faiths and diverse origins have found in the Sacred Book words of wisdom, counsel, and inspiration. It is a fountain of strength, and now, as always, an aid in attaining the highest aspirations of the human soul.

An internet search will give it away, but it could make for an interesting exercise.  If you need a clue, he wasn’t a Republican, and he wasn’t Read more

Camp Pendleton Cross Prompts Wider Review

The demand by Jason Torpy, speaking for the one-man Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, that the US Marine Corps remove its “Christian privilege” (the crosses on Camp Pendleton‘s ridge on Camp Horno) has spurred a “wider review” of similar memorials around the world:

Capt. Greg Wolf at the Pentagon headquarters of the Marine Corps said Thursday that an “operational planning team” is conducting Read more

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