Category Archives: Government and Religion

Hate Crimes against Christians Rise — But No One Notices

A variety of websites reported on the FBI report released last month that indicated occurrences of “hate crimes” had risen in 2017.

Most noted the largest portion were “racial and ethnic bias,” but there was also a substantial increase in “hate crimes” based on religion:

There was also a nearly 23 percent increase in religion-based hate crimes in 2017…

Reports also highlighted the increase in anti-Semitic crimes, though anti-Muslim offenses actually decreased. From the report:  Read more

A Humanist Chaplain Who Doesn’t Understand Military Chaplaincy

In early November Jason Torpy posted a profile on Jared Anderson, a man who presents himself as a chaplain endorsed by the Humanist Society. A former Mormon (Latter Day Saint) — or a current LDS who doesn’t follow LDS theology, depending on how you look at it — Anderson advocates “religious humanism.”

The nice thing about the United States of America is you can call yourself whatever you want. However, that does not mean you get to do whatever you want, nor that the government or society are required to support your choice (gender and pronouns notwithstanding, apparently).

That’s something Anderson apparently doesn’t understand, as he claims he wants to be a military chaplain (and the US military doesn’t have non-religious religious leaders) [emphasis added]:  Read more

Army General: Soldiers Can Serve Their Nation and Their Church

An official Army National Guard article covers the story of Idaho Army National Guard Spc Bryce Beard, who joined the Guard so he could serve “not only his community but also his church.”

Beard, who enlisted into the Idaho Army National Guard in 2014 when he was 17, spent two years in Buenos Aires as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and returned in January.

The commander of the Idaho Army National Guard “strongly” supports Soldiers taking advantage of the Inactive National Guard for religious reasons [emphasis added]:  Read more

God Leads Former NFL Player to US Army

US Army SSgt John Williams Jr played for the Baltimore Ravens in 1997 and played for other teams until 2005. After that:

“Late one night I was praying and asked God for guidance on what I should do next,” said Williams.

He stated that after that prayer, he coincidently found and Army kevlar [helmet] with the initial W inside of it, and it felt like a sign from God to join the Army.

Well, that’s one way to do it. Read more

Mikey Weinstein Apparently Retires From Air Force Amid Jewish, Secular Accusations

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s contact at Newsweek, the routinely fact-challenged Nina Burleigh, wrote up a blog on Weinstein yesterday that did little more than repeat Weinstein’s recent tirades against the US military.

For example, regarding the Thanksgiving Day cake decorated with Psalms written on it:

Before the end of the holiday weekend, service members at Al Udeid and elsewhere had complained to [Weinstein].

We all know that’s not true. It’s evident Read more

Professor Sues University over Required Preferred Pronouns

Dr. Nicholas Meriwether, a philosophy professor at Shawnee State University, has filed a lawsuit against his school because it requires faculty to address students by the students’ “preferred pronoun.” As announced by the ADF, which is representing Meriwether:

In January, during a political philosophy class he was teaching, Meriwether responded to a male student’s question by saying, “Yes, sir.” Meriwether responded in this fashion because he refers to all his students as “sir” or “ma’am” or by a title (Mr. or Miss, for example) followed by their last name to foster an atmosphere of seriousness and mutual respect.

The student’s sensibilities were so offended he shouted vulgarities at the professor and threatened to get him fired.

Ultimately, the school accused him of creating a “hostile” environment and placed a warning in his file — a warning that he must call the students by their chosen pronouns.

Meriwether cannot do so, because he said that would violate his religious beliefs: Read more

Thanksgiving Day Cake: Offended? Call Mikey Weinstein.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s pattern seems to be to collect potential “material” and then socialize it among his friends in an attempt to find volunteers to be counted as “anonymous” complainants. Despite his frequent claims, there is no evidence to date Weinstein has ever been approached by a group of aggrieved troops who, of their own initiative, came to him looking for help.

Instead, what appears to happen is Weinstein either finds or is told about something happening; Weinstein then sends it out to people who were blissfully unaware, but agree to be offended, and then Weinstein tries to go on a media warpath with “32 complaints, 25 of which are practicing Christians, etc.”

But sometimes things happen and Weinstein doesn’t know about it — and since no one is offended on their own (without his input), he doesn’t get the chance to complain.

Enter the DFAC cake made at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, last week:

Under normal circumstances, this would Read more

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