Category Archives: Government and Religion

Trial Date Set for Accused Fort Hood Shooter

The court-martial of US Army Maj Nidal Malik Hasan, accused in the 2009 Fort Hood massacre that killed 14 people, is scheduled to begin July 1st.  (Jury selection begins in May.)

The judge, Col. Tara Osborn, said she expects testimony in the trial to last up to three months. The government has nearly 300 witnesses.

Three months is nothing, given the fact the pre-trial has lasted nearly four years.


Military Atheist Petition Breaks 20,000 Signatures

It took about 16 months, but a petition by MRFF activist Dustin Chalker finally crossed 20,000 signatures.

As discussed previously, the petition — “End the Military’s Discrimination against Non-Religious Service Members” — claims the US military forces troops to participate in “religious rituals.”  As you may recall, Chalker is the same person who made the ridiculous assertion that being present — just respectfully standing silent — while others pray is the same thing as participating in that prayer.

Under current rules, a survey has to Read more

Homosexual Army Soldier Campaigns for Marriage Inequality

US Army Reservist Major Stephen Snyder-Hill made waves when he “came out” to the world by asking the Republican Presidential candidates if they would work to “circumvent the progress” of the repeal of DADT.  His question was booed by some in the audience.  Now, Snyder is co-chairing a political “steering committee” to change the status of marriage in Ohio:

Leaders of pro-gay-marriage group FreedomOhio said Friday that Columbus resident Stephen Snyder-Hill will help lead outreach efforts…FreedomOhio wants to overturn the 2004 state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

Snyder’s position is notable because he is constantly referred to as the “gay soldier” and by his military rank and branch of service — while he simultaneously advocates for a political cause.  DoDD 1344.10, which governs the political activities Read more

Answering Michael Weinstein: Why It Matters

An advocate of Michael Weinstein’s MRFF recently said [emphasis added]:

Consider the fact…General Mark A. Welsh III, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, responded personally and immediately to Mikey Weinstein.

If the issue were not legitimateI rather doubt General Walsh [sic] would have bothered. Of course, that’s why he’s a general…

Rightly or wrongly, when Michael Weinstein is given special access to military leaders, it appears to grant credibility to his cause.

Treat him like everybody else — the “little people” who are forced to use normal channels — and Weinstein loses his ability to grandstand, and with it, the wind from his sails.  He doesn’t have the patience for such treatment, and he sulks away.

Just ask USAFA.

Actually, it looks like somebody did


Family Research Council Calls DoD Homosexual Policy Discriminatory

Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council has said Secretary Panetta’s decision to grant specific rights only to homosexuals “qualif[ies] as discrimination:”

“I think this does qualify as discrimination against opposite sex couples who are essentially in the same position, unmarried by living together,” said Peter Sprigg, senior fellow at the Family Research Council.

The FoxNews article accurately notes the DoD described this as a perceived “inequity” in the same policy that assessed DADT repeal implementation in 2010:  Read more

Weinstein Delivers Ultimatum, Might Buy Billboard

In a terribly awkward PR maneuver, religious liberty critic Michael Weinstein — rebuffed by the US Air Force Chief of Staff — has now retreated to attacking the Air Force Academy directly over its link to a website that explains a Jewish holiday:

“MRFF is now making a specific demand to [Lt. Gen.] Mike Gould, the superintendent, to take down the link,” Weinstein says…

But Weinstein already complained to Gen Gould’s boss — and his boss cc’d Gen Gould on the reply to Weinstein.  And guess what?  Nothing has changed.  So why does Weinstein think this latest screed changes anything?

Regardless, Weinstein raised the stakes to show he meant business: 

Weinstein says if his demands are not met by 5:30 p.m. Thursday, his organization will take action.

The CSIndy reporter almost seemed to be stifling a laugh Read more

Christian Pastor Jailed as National Security Threat

Think it can’t happen here?

Saeed Abedini is the Christian pastor who has been jailed for “threatening the national security of Iran.”

Saeed Abedini, 32, was in Iran last summer to finish building an orphanage when members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard took him away in a bus for prison. He has been held captive and reportedly beaten and tortured since September.

Abedini, a naturalized US citizen, was  Read more

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