Category Archives: Government and Religion

Atheist Offended by Military Deployment Ceremony

Jason Torpy, the former Army Captain and perpetually offended atheist, recently took issue with a deployment ceremony conducted by the the 1st Battalion, 182nd Field Artillery Regiment, Michigan National Guard. The reason? The ceremony was performed in a church. The official Guard news release noted

family, friends and guests [gathered on] October 17th at the Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church Sanctuary in Detroit to honor the Michigan Army National Guard, 1st Battalion (HIMARS), 182nd Field Artillery Regiment as they depart for Read more

US Marines Can Wear Pink, But Airmen Can’t Mention Orphans

When Michael “Mikey” Weinstein complained last month that an Air Force secretary had the audacity to include an announcement for Operation Christmas Child in a mass email (which he called “openly and willfully proselytiz[ing] the evangelical Christian faith”), her boss was quick to send an email out to the unit “disavowing” her announcement.

In the interim, no one seems to mind that US Marines are wearing pink to raise money for a similarly non-Federal entity [emphasis added]:

As a fundraiser for breast cancer research, the [Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 166 Reinforced] had their unit logo patches, which each Marine is authorized to wear on coveralls and flight suits, made in pink and white.

“For each patch sold, we donate a dollar to breast cancer research,” said Read more

Mikey Weinstein’s Bad Reputation Grows

When the Ten Commandments monument was removed from the Oklahoma State Capitol a few weeks ago, Franklin Graham lamented the attacks on any public reference to God or Jesus Christ:

We have been appalled at news reports of ISIS and the Islamic State tearing down all symbols of Christianity in the Middle East; but think about it–we’re doing it to ourselves here in the U.S. Atheists, activists, and anti-God groups like the ACLU, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and the Military Freedom of Religion Foundation are on a quest to erase or tear down anything associated with the Name of Jesus Christ.

Graham was referring to Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s awkwardly-named Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which was in the news recently demanding Read more

Court Agrees to Hear Appeal of Bible-Quoting Marine

The US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces has agreed (PDF) to hear the case of former Marine LCpl Monifa Sterling, the Marine convicted of, among other things, disobeying orders for posting Bible verses on her workstation. The court will weigh

whether the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act should shield Sterling’s defiance of a command that she remove the biblical quotes from her Camp Lejeune workplace.

“This case is important,” Sterling’s appellate attorney, Michael Berry, said Thursday, adding that it “has the potential to affect the religious freedom of millions Read more

Chaplain: We Must Stand for Religious Liberty

Discussing his recent exoneration after originally facing discharge from the Navy, Chaplain (LtCmdr) Wes Modder highlighted that the fight for religious liberty is a national issue:

[Modder] suggested as more and more Christians face similar battles over their beliefs, they have to fight because the cause is crucial.

“I think it’s paramount,” he said. “I think the best thing for the Church is persecution. And I know that sounds counterintuitive, but we need to stand for religious liberty.”

“It’s not really about bakers. It’s not really about florists. It’s about Read more

Mikey Weinstein Gets So Close to Admitting Wrong

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein finally published his response to the Hopper dinner invite that was previously covered by MRFF ally Bob Lawrence and Christina Hopper herself, via Weinstein’s website.

Within the 2,000-word missive, Weinstein gets close — so close — to acknowledging he treated Hopper disrespectfully and wrongfully. But he never quite gets there.

He lauds the evening they spent together and even the character of Hopper and her husband, but even as he now realizes she doesn’t “stalk [her] helpless, lower-ranking subordinates,” he can’t bring himself to retract his accusation that she is a “proselytizing Air Force officer” who has “thrashed” Read more

Lawsuit Reveals Details of Air Force Punishment for Religious Expression

The recent dismissal of the lawsuit filed by US Air Force TSgt Layne Wilson against the Air Force revealed some interesting details about how and why he was disciplined for expressing opposition to same-sex marriage.

As noted previously, the ruling (PDF) indicated the controversy started with an email:

On December 2, 2012, Plaintiff Layne Wilson…sent an email, using his military email account, to an official at the United States Military Academy at West Point objecting to a same-sex wedding held at the military academy’s chapel…

As quoted in the ruling, the email said:  Read more

Homosexual Activists Call for Fight Against Military Religious Freedom

Writing at the homosexual activist American Military Partner Association, self-described gay rights activist Jim Farmer declared the fight for military religious freedom was really a fight against homosexuals:

Enter the “religious fanatic…”

The military has already added sexual orientation to its non-discrimination policy, a fact that displeases many on the far right. Politicians continue to try and weaken those protections by adding “conscience clauses” to the military spending bills.

Farmer explains why he thinks American troops want these protections:  Read more

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