Category Archives: Government and Religion

USAF Enlisted POW Cites Need for Faith

robinsonIn a interesting case of coincidental timing, at the same time Michael “Mikey” Weinstein was demanding the removal of Bibles from POW/MIA displays — Bibles that represented “the strength gained through faith” in captivity — the longest-held enlisted POW, retired Capt. William A. Robinson, was telling Airmen at Lackland AFB about the faith he needed to survive [emphasis added]:

“I had faith in myself, faith in those around me, faith in my country and faith in my God,” said Robinson.

Capt Robinson’s story was mentioned here in 2013 — the first time a POW/MIA table was attacked.  (Notably, the IG and EO office defended the table then, and the story died.) Of course, it isn’t just him. Retired USAF Col Fred Cherry said the same thing, as have many other POWs.

Faith in God helped Read more

MRFF’s Chris Rodda Advocates Military Religious Discrimination

It’s been long established that Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s awkwardly-named Military “Religious Freedom” Foundation actually fights against the religious freedom of Christians in the US military. Examples abound of cases in which a reasonable, principled religious liberty group should have stood up in defense of an Airman, Soldier, Marine, or Sailor, but Weinstein either refused to defend the troop because they were Christian or outright attacked their religious liberty instead.

Fortunately, genuine religious liberty groups have stood in the gap for such Christians — and have defended them even from Weinstein himself. One of the more notable groups is the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which has a long history of, unlike Weinstein, consistent, principled defense of religious freedom regardless of a person’s particular religious belief.

(To wit, the Becket Fund has been fighting for the right of Sikhs to serve in the US military while still being able to practice their religious faith; Weinstein has so far refused to do so, tacitly acknowledging that a “win” for the Sikhs would ultimately be a win for other faiths — including Christians.)

More recently, Mikey Weinstein tried to attack the religious liberty of Read more

Army Criticized for Jesus Talk During Sexual Assault Awareness

The US Army’s Redstone Arsenal in Alabama is being criticized for having a Christian speaker at an event for its Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month.

The only way victims may overcome the horrors of rape and sex trafficking is to accept Jesus Christ as their savior and king.

That is what soldiers and civilian employees of the Army’s Redstone Arsenal were told by guest speaker Tajuan McCarty on April 27 at a command-hosted event…according to one of those in attendance.

That “one of those in attendance” was an anonymous civilian and acolyte of Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, the perpetually offended anti-Christian who believes “Jesus” should only be mentioned in the military during expletives.  Weinstein published the letter from the civilian here.

In what may seem a shock to some, Weinstein’s attack on Redstone Arsenal’s event was Read more

Mikey Weinstein Thinks US Marines are Stupid, Cowards

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein once declared that US Marines were “national security threats,” and now he apparently thinks they’re both stupid and cowards.

On Wednesday, Weinstein published an email from an alleged US Marine at the Marine Corps University at Quantico, Virginia, who apparently had a case of the vapors over the National Day of Prayer [emphasis added]:

This morning the Commanding General’s Staff Secretary sent an email to the entire [MCU] with an invitation to a…MCU Prayer Breakfast…I feel threatened and my promotion potential on the line if I do not attend this religious event…When the Commanding General sends out an invitation to a religious event I feel compelled to attend…

The Marine can’t seem to get his story straight, saying that both a secretary and Read more

Secretary of the Army Nominee Eric Fanning to Headline Gay Gala

Eric Fanning will speak at gay “gala” sponsored by USAA…

The man nominated to be the next Secretary of the Army is now scheduled to keynote a gay “gala” for the homosexual-activist American Military Partner Association [emphasis added]:

“We are absolutely thrilled to have Eric Fanning keynote our 3rd Annual AMPA National Gala,” said AMPA President Ashley Broadway-Mack. “As an openly gay man who continues to break down barriers within our Armed Forces, Mr. Fanning truly leads by example and inspires our military families. We are looking forward to an incredible evening with him as we celebrate and honor our modern military families…”

That would be the same Ashley Broadway who protested not being included in a spouse group she didn’t even want to be in, and who awkwardly claimed to be a “devout” Christian — while apparently content to be unrepentant. And by “modern” families, she means homosexuals.

The nominee, Eric Fanning, was temporarily the Acting Secretary of the Army, until Read more

General Boykin, FRC to Attend Court Martial Appeal

UPDATE: Various media outlets published coverage of the hearing, which generally appeared to go well for Sterling.  Noted at the Religion Clause, FoxNews, Washington Post, Stars and Stripes, ChristianPost, Bretibart, the Daily Caller, and NC Register, among others.  The ACLJ discussed it here.

The Family Research Council announced retired US Army LtGen Jerry Boykin would attend the oral arguments today for the appeal of US v Sterling, in which former Marine Monifa Sterling is attempting to defend the public display of Bible verses on her desk.

In this case, the court will decide whether the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) protects a Marine…lance corporal [who] desired to post the verses to give her inspiration and strength, but military superiors ordered her to remove the verses she posted.

A lower court refused to protect her religious expression, interpreting RFRA in a constrained manner to protect only certain types of religious exercise. FRC and numerous other religious freedom advocates are urging the court to overturn this harmful decision.

In point of fact, a lot of people — including 10 US states — filed briefs in support Read more

Navy Conducts Annual Blessing of the Fleets

The US Navy reported that the annual “Blessing of the Fleet” ceremony was held at the Navy Memorial in Washington, DC, last week.

Chaplain of the Marine Corps and Deputy Chief of Navy Chaplains, Rear Adm. Brent W. Scott, gave the invocation and blessing to the centuries-old tradition…

The Blessing of the Fleets ritual is intended to safeguard crews and ships from the danger of the seas.

This was the 25th annual ceremony, though the tradition extends for centuries.

To date, it has apparently Read more

Atheist Objects to Closeted Christian Coming Out

Matthew Spence was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Policy from 2012 to 2015. He recently wrote an Op Ed in the Washington Post entitled “I was a closeted Christian at the Pentagon” — meaning, for those confused, he hid his Christianity on the job.

It’s a fascinating read, both from the perspective of a Christian and that of a government official. It’s interesting to see Spence discuss how he felt pressured to hide his Christianity, the impact that had on him spiritually, and what happened when he decided he wasn’t going to do that anymore:  Read more

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