Category Archives: Government and Religion

Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation: Remove one Bible, thousands will take its place

bible2by Sonny Hernandez

On Friday, April 8, 2016, officials at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) removed a Bible from a display table that venerated prisoners of war and Armed Forces service members missing in action. Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, who spearheads a disreputable, anti-God advocacy group called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), was the culprit behind the unprincipled legal demands that caused officials at WPAFB to capitulate.

WPAFB officials didn’t need to Read more

Retired Airman Threatens Lawsuit over Assault, Constitutional Violations

oscarRetired US Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Oscar Rodriguez was physically ejected from a fellow Airman’s retirement ceremony — to which he had been invited — when he began a flag-folding speech in which it was known he would invoke the name of God (as previously discussed).

With the assistance of the First Liberty Institute, SMSgt Rodriguez is now threatening legal action if the Air Force doesn’t respond. In the letter (PDF) written by First Liberty attorney Mike Berry, Rodriguez seeks four things:  Read more

Push Continues for US Military Sikh Service

sikhtrioIn an era in which US military claims the only thing people need in order to serve is the ability to, a swath of American Sikhs is still left wondering, “What about us?”

In recent “gay pride” celebrations, senior leaders have repeated the mantra that because homosexuals sacrificed and fought in war zones, they earned the right to serve — even if they had been violating military regulations or moral standards.

Whether you agree with that logic or not, Sikhs have a far stronger case, having Read more

US Navy Issues Relaxed Ramadan Guidance

The US military has annually restricted the conduct of US troops in the Middle East to appease religious sensitivities in the region.

This year, an article in the Stars and Stripes notes the US Navy’s 5th Fleet has “ease[d]” clothing restrictions, but other restrictions remain:

U.S. personnel will be restricted from eating, drinking and smoking in public, including while driving, during daylight hours…

This year, Defense Department personnel…and their dependents will be allowed to wear shorts and short-sleeved shirts during Ramadan.

Preemptively responding to criticisms about religious liberty, the Navy command chaplain, Read more

Russell Moore: Is Religious Freedom For Non-Christians Too?

Contrary to the claims of some critics, religious liberty is a part of the Christian ethos:

One thing we need to be very clear about is that religious liberty is not a government “benefit,” but a natural and inalienable right granted by God. At issue is whether or not the civil state has the power to zone mosques or Islamic cemeteries or synagogues or houses of worship of whatever kind out of existence because of what those groups believe. When someone makes such a claim, Read more

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