Category Archives: Fighter Pilot

Schwarzenegger Returns to Visit Troops in Iraq

For the second time since the war in Iraq began, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger visited with US troops in the region.  He landed in Baghdad, spoke for a few minutes, posed for photographs with soldiers, and handed out autographs and cigars.  He also reportedly worked out with the troops at Camp Victory.

Schwarzenegger has long been a military favorite, both for his machismo and for his support of the military.  In what may be a little known fact, Read more

Remember American Troops on Veterans’ Day

Take a moment to thank a member of the American military for the sacrifices they make that ensure American freedoms.  Take a moment, too, to thank God for them, and to pray for their continued safety, as well as the safety of their loved ones.

While this should be a continuing endeavor, Veterans’ Day–which coincides with Armistice Day in the rest of the world, celebrating the end of the Great War–provides an excellent reminder of the cost of liberty not just in America, but around the world.

Combat, Orders, and Pizza Hut

Though it is engaged in conflict across two regions, the US military makes an admirable effort to provide troops with the comforts of home.  Many bases across the region have banking facilities, military exchanges, and recognizable fast food restaurants; even Subway and Baskin Robbins grace US bases in the Middle Eastern desert.  Notably, these facilities are normally confined to the larger bases.  Forward operating bases and similar smaller locations often lack even basic facilities.

Apparently, General Stanley McChrystal, the American commander in Afghanistan, has decided that these facilities are detrimental to the warfighting spirit necessary for combat.  Read more

Naval Academy Graduates to be Non-Volunteered to Subs

There is frequently a heated debate over which are better: Air Force or Navy pilots, with the corollary comparison of whether the US Air Force Academy or the Naval Academy is the better place to go to become a pilot.

There are legitimate arguments for each side, of course.  One of the main points for those seeking to be fighter pilots is the obvious fact of numbers; there are simply more fighter aircraft in the Air Force than there are in the Navy.

Now there’s a new point: at least the Air Force doesn’t force its new officers into submarine dutyRead more

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