Category Archives: Fighter Pilot

Air Force to Field New Gorgon Stare

The Washington Post recently caught up to the announcement from last June that the US military was attempting to field UAVs with a multitude of cameras and sensors called the Gorgon Stare — named for the Greek mythological creature.

Of actual interest in the article is the technology the Air Force is using to help analysts sift through the vast amount of material produced by UAVs:

The Air Force…is working with Harris Corp. to adapt ESPN’s technique of tagging key moments in National Football League videotape to the war zone. Just as a sportscaster can call up a series of archived quarterback blitzes as soon as a player is sacked on the field, an analyst in Afghanistan can retrieve the last month’s worth of bombings in a particular stretch of road with the push of a button, officials said.

Sailor Re-Enlists at Mach 1

AM3 Alfonso Tulavillanueva had a unique opportunity to re-enlist at sea when he was given a flight in an F/A-18 Hornet.  His pilot (or “naval aviator”), Cmdr Mitchell Conover, administered the re-enlistment oath during the flight.

Interestingly, Tulavillanueva’s commanding officer had apparently offered flights to anyone who was willing to take it upon themselves to get the necessary training.  CAPT Paul Sohl said only two ever took him up on the offer.

Support the Troops but Demean Their Very Purpose?

A few articles have surfaced on the potential some schools may “let” ROTC return now that DADT has been repealed.

At the Washington Post, Colman McCarthy had an interesting take on the mission of the military when he recalled his interview with Notre Dame on ROTC:

I asked if he actually believed there could be a Christian method of slaughtering people in combat, or a Christian way of firebombing cities, or a way to kill civilians in the name of Jesus. Did he think that if enough Notre Dame graduates became soldiers that the military would eventually embrace Christ’s teaching of loving one’s enemies?

But don’t take that to mean he doesn’t “support the troops:”  Read more

Captain Honors Relieved of Command

As a result of the videos he produced while XO, the Navy has relieved CAPT Owen “Opie” Honors of his command of the aircraft carrier USS EnterpriseSaid ADM John Harvey:

While Capt. Honors’ performance as commanding officer of USS Enterprise has been without incident, his profound lack of good judgment and professionalism while previously serving as executive officer on Enterprise calls into question his character and completely undermines his credibility to continue to serve effectively in command.

The Admiral did not explain how the videos from 2007 Read more

Free Vacations for Returning Troops

Operation Rest and Relax has been organizing all-expenses paid vacations for servicemembers and their families when they return from their deployments.

“I had never dreamed that this would be as large as it’s become,” Dr. Grant Evans said, the founder of Operation R&R. “We have upwards of 400 owners now that have donated a free week of ocean front homes and condos. We have 60 restaurant owners; we have 35 business owners that offer 50% up to 100% discounts.  And we have close to 200 greeter couples which are couples we assign to a family.”

Currently, the operation is strictly local, helping out only servicemembers specifically assigned to Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Bases, and the Beaufort Marine Air Base.  Servicemembers eligible must also be married, and only immediate family can accompany them.

You can learn more from their website.

Navy Probes Fighter Pilot’s “Inappropriate” Videos

According to various sources, the US Navy plans to investigate the creation and use of “inappropriate” videos on board the USS Enterprise.  The “star” and producer of the videos, which were created in 2006-2007, was reportedly the ship’s second in command, since promoted to its Captain.  US Navy CAPT Owen Honors is a Navy fighter pilot (or “naval aviator”) as well as graduate of the Navy Test Pilot School.  The Enterprise is scheduled to deploy early this year.  The videos were apparently released to the Virginian-Pilot by Sailors who currently remain anonymous.

The Navy’s initial reactionRead more

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