Category Archives: Fighter Pilot

Air Force says F-22 Crash was Pilot Error

The Air Force Times reports on the Air Force investigation of the F-22 crash in Alaska in November, 2010.  The report

blames the Nov. 16, 2010, crash of an F-22 Raptor on Capt. Jeff “Bong” Haney — despite a malfunction of the jet’s bleed air intakes, which caused an automatic shutdown of multiple aircraft systems including the primary oxygen system.

In essence, the report says his oxygen system failed, but that he Read more

US Rep Questions Lack of Awards for Libya Action

US Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) wrote a letter to Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus questioning why no US Marine has been awarded for their actions in Libya — despite the very public search and rescue of a downed F-15E Strike Eagle crew.

“It has come to my attention that no awards or recognition have been approved for Marine aviators who flew combat missions over Libya,” Hunter wrote in a recent letter to Mabus.  Read more

Who Ended the Iraq War in December 2011?

President Obama has indicated he fulfilled a campaign promise when he brought the war in Iraq to a “responsible” end.  But who really ended the war?

As summarized by the Congressional Research Service [emphasis added],

On November 17, 2008, after months of negotiations, [the US and Iraq] signed the Agreement Between the United States of America and Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq.

The agreement required two specific things:  Read more

Is Instinct A Pilot’s Enemy?

A New York Times article on recent mishaps posits that instinctive reactions to pending emergencies may actually make the problem worse.  After noting the memorable feeling of stalling an aircraft:

What is harder to remember, in the heat of the moment, is the proper way to regain control of the aircraft…

“You have to overcome what your instinct tells you to do,” said Mr. [Jean-Pierre] Otelli, whose book “Pilot Errors, Volume 5” was the first to publish the unedited transcript of the Flight 447 cockpit voice recordings.

For the hundreds of pilots Read more

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