Category Archives: Fighter Pilot

F-16 Crashes in Afghanistan, Pilot Killed

An American F-16 has reportedly crashed in Afghanistan, killing the pilot.  The ISAF release noted only that a plane had crashed, though other news sources identified the nationality as US:

A U.S. military pilot was killed when his F-16 fighter jet crashed while on a night flight over mountainous terrain in Afghanistan, officials said Thursday.

The articles seem to indicate it was not likely a result of hostile fire.

His identity has been withheld pending notification of next of kin.


President Obama Almost Joins Mustache March

The Christian Post quoted President Obama making a remark about wanting to don a fake mustache to tour Israel incognito.

In an interview taped at the White House earlier this week, the president said, “Sometimes I have this fantasy that I can put on a disguise, wear a fake mustache and I can wander through Tel Aviv and go to a bar and have a conversation.”

Admittedly, it has nothing to do with the fighter pilot tradition of Mustache March (which is virtually officially recognized by the Air Force), but the timing is right.


Aircrew Killed in Prowler Crash

The US Navy announced three crewmembers were killed in an E/A-6B Prowler crash near Spokane, Washington.

A source familiar with the crash confirmed that there were three people onboard the aircraft…[from] a fleet replacement squadron that trains pilots, naval flight officers and maintainers…

FRSs are responsible for training freshly winged pilots and NFOs straight from flight school, as well as ones that have been out of the cockpit for an extended period of time, or ones that are learning to fly an entirely new type of aircraft.

Also via the Associated Press.


Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Join Military Leaders on Tours

Warning: This official US Navy photo may be considered offensive in some US Air Force units…
U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Kenneth Abbate

An official DoD article notes the continuing tradition of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders taking part in USO tours:

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have partnered with the USO for the last 34 years…

Two cheerleaders…[are] currently on a USO overseas Read more

Tom Griffin, Doolittle Raider, Dies

B-25 navigator Maj Thomas Griffin died in a VA nursing home last week.  While most such deaths would be noted by surviving family members, Griffin’s was noted by how many Doolittle Raiders he leaves behind:  only 4.

As noted previously (and clarified by Doolittle Raider Association manager Tom Casey), the final public Doolittle reunion will be this year.  The remaining Raiders will gather at another location privately and open the bottle of cognac reserved for the final survivors.


Brazilian Super Tucano Wins US Air Force Contract

The US Air Force announced Sierra Nevada Corp, in alliance with Brazil’s Embraer, has won the contract to provide the Afghan Air Force with a light attack aircraft.  The contract has a very specific dollar figure:

The firm-fixed-price contract is worth $427,459,708…Work will be completed by Feb. 26, 2019, and the first delivery order is expected to be complete by April 2015.

The Super Tucano was competing only with Hawker Beechcraft’s AT-6.  The aircraft for this contract will reportedly be built in Florida.


General Welsh Recalls Memorial, Family of Fallen Aviano Pilot

At the recent Air Force Association symposium, US Air Force Chief of Staff told the story of Maj Luc “Gaza” Gruenther, who was killed during a training flight in January:

Gruenther was a pilot with the 555th Fighter Squadron in Aviano Air Base, Italy, when the Air Force lost contact with him during a training mission over the Adriatic Sea, Jan. 28. Three days later, Gruenther’s body was recovered.

As Welsh told the story of Gruenther, eyes welled with tears in the audience.

“About 1,000 folks showed up to the memorial of Gruenther,” Welsh said. “As the missing man formation passed the memorial, Gruenther’s family got to wave on, saying a final goodbye to their son, husband and wingman. I like to think that Gruenther kept pulling up on the formation and touched the face of God.”
Gruenther’s wife went on to give birth to a baby girl the very next day.


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