Category Archives: Fighter Pilot

Senator Retains Hold on SecAF Nominee

The confirmation of Ms. Deborah Lee James, nominee for Secretary of the Air Force, has been delayed (previously discussed) as Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) has continued her “hold” over the issue of A-10s in the Air Force:

An aide to the New Hampshire Republican told Defense News on Tuesday that the senator felt the Air Force failed to sufficiently answer her questions about the A-10 plans. Therefore, Ayotte has decided to keep what’s known as a hold on Deborah Lee James’ nomination, the aide said.

Ayotte has previously said she is concerned the Air Force would retire the A-10 — which her Air Force husband flew — without a suitable replacement for the mission.


Senator, Wife of A-10 Pilot, Blocks Nominee over A-10 Cuts

On her website, Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) buttresses her national defense credentials by noting she was a military spouse of an A-10 pilot.

Now that the Air Force has basically said it wants to get rid of the A-10 (again), Senator Ayotte has put a “hold” on the nomination of Ms. Deborah Lee James to the position of Secretary of the Air Force:

She…views this as a readiness issue. Until we have Read more

General Welsh Encourages Social Media, Leadership

During Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh’s Air Force Association speech (in which he wore the now-famous Captain America mask), Gen Welsh also made a point of promoting the use of social media:

Welsh encouraged the use of social media to facilitate two-way communication and buffer against communication pitfalls such as “stove-piped information.”

“Chief (Master Sgt. of the Air Force James) Cody and I are on Facebook and Twitter, which is terrifying,” Welsh said over laughter. “Follow us.”

On that note, General Welsh (who signs Read more

Cessna Floats New Plane for Irregular Warfare

A press release notes Textron Airland, a joint venture between Cessna and an industry group, has self-produced an aircraft it intends to market as a low-cost irregular warfare aircraft.  The “Scorpion”

is well matched to the Air National Guard’s missions such as irregular warfare, border patrol, maritime surveillance, emergency relief, counter narcotics and air defense operations,” the joint venture’s website says…

The Scorpion will be able to carry 3,000 pounds of weapons at speeds up to 517 mph, according to the company’s website. The plane’s ceiling is 45,000 feet.

Airland is a group made up of “formed by former defense and aerospace executives,” including former Secretary of the Air Force F. Whitten Peters. One of the Scorpion’s primary selling points is that it has been developed without government funds to date, making it an “off the shelf” and economical purchase.


General Welsh as Captain America

Well, you don’t see that every day.

General Mark Welsh, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, took the stage at the Air Force Association symposium wearing (a variation of) a Captain America mask:

General Welsh, who once answered a cadet’s question about what he was wearing under his flight suit by dropping his zipper, has long been a popular and effective leader.  His ability to communicate effectively to every Airman — something he does exceptionally well — has been a key to that success.

General Welsh’s entire presentation can be seen here.

Update: Now also noted at the Air Force Times.


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