Category Archives: Fighter Pilot

Mike Huckabee on the Sound of Freedom

So if you hear some noise coming from a military installation near you, instead of calling city hall and whining about it, how about a call to heaven, and tell God that you appreciate being an American.  And maybe you would ask if He’d please keep an eye out for those folks who are making the noise.

To be fair, there’s another common quote: “I loved the sound of freedom…until I tried to sell my house.”


Husband, Wife Fighter Pilots Seek Moral Discharge

US Air Force Captain Justin Pavoni is an F-15E pilot who has reportedly requested a discharge from the Air Force on moral grounds.  He made his intentions public in an interview with Ron Paul — which is only viewable for a fee. has some discussion on the video (and a follow-up after talking with Capt Pavoni), which seems to indicate Capt Pavoni has more of a policy disagreement with the use of the military than an objection to war in general. (It is unclear if Pavoni himself as used the term “conscientious objector.”)  As quoted:  Read more

Fighter Pilots Decline Bonus over Boredom

Acting Secretary of the Air Force Eric Fanning said “just a few” fighter pilots have taken the $225,000 bonus offered by the Air Force to get their long term commitment. The reason?  Boredom.

pilots are not taking the service up on the offer because of reduced flying hours caused by budget cuts, acting Secretary of the Air Force Eric Fanning said.

“If you’re not flying your F-22 because it’s grounded, you might as well go fly something else,” Fanning said.

A few weeks ago, Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh Read more

Fighter Pilots Sanctioned over Complaints

Last year TSgt Jennifer Smith filed a federal complaint over the presence of fighter pilots songs and other “traditional” fighter pilot materials found throughout her squadron and on the shared computer drives.  The Air Force recently released some results of the ensuing investigation:

The Air Force has released a report following a six-month investigation, substantiating 16 [of the 38] allegations against eight [of 16] officers at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., who failed to prevent or investigate sexual harassment, condoned or refused to remove sexually offensive material and tolerated on-duty alcohol consumption.

The investigation seems to have targeted every Read more

Navy T-45C Crashes at Pensacola

The Navy reported that a T-45C Goshawk crashed while on approach to Naval Air Station Pensacola. The two-man crew was hospitalized.

The two aircrew aboard a U.S. Navy T-45C Goshawk aircraft that crashed this morning at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla. are stable and are being treated at a local hospital.

At approximately 10:30 a.m. today, a U.S. Navy T-45C Goshawk aircraft crashed at the approach end of a runway at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla.

The articles do not address whether the crew attempted to eject.

Also at the Stars and Stripes and Navy Times.


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