Category Archives: Religion and Culture

Religious Inclusiveness Highlighted in Memorial

A Christian and former fighter pilot sent in this message about an incident on Memorial Day 2009 that highlighted the inclusive environment of religion in the US military.  The US military goes to unimaginable lengths to ensure that its troops have the maximum access to their free exercise while attempting to adhere to government restrictions.

The military can, should, and does honor its members.  Part of that honor is the inclusion of religious expression when it does so.

I am a retired light-gray Eagle Driver, and before that Phantoms, and proud of it. I’m now working as a contractor [in] Afghanistan. [Just] before Memorial Day this year (2009) our Command lost two folks to an IED.

Both happened to be Jewish. Both happened to be very committed to living their faith. 

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Ministry in Football…and the Military

Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow has made frequent appearances on this site.  The reason is simple: his view on the role of Christian faith in everyday life reflect a maturity and belief to which all should aspire.  He consciously uses his platform to share his faith, and his example is particularly applicable for those in the military.

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Christian Missions Aviation…In Space

Updated with NASA’s “What’s Going Up?”

When space shuttle Discovery finally lifts off (after two unsuccessful attempts so far), it will carry a crew of seven and a very unique piece of missionary aviation history.

Mission Specialist Patrick Forrester is taking up a piece of Nate Saint’s missionary aircraft.  Nate Saint was one of five missionaries martyred by the Ecuadoran natives they were evangelizing in 1956.  The incident was international news at the time, and brought attention and interest in the fields of missions and missionary aviation.

Astronaut Patrick Forrester is an Army helicopter pilot and graduate of the US Naval Test Pilot School.  This will be his third shuttle flight in his 16 years with NASA.  In taking up a piece of the bush aircraft, Forrester notes the importance of his faith and his hope that he can inspire an interest in missionary aviation:  Read more

President Sends Ramadan Greetings

President Barack Obama delivered the annual American Ramadan message this past week.

Ramadan is the month in which Muslims believe the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, beginning with a simple word – iqra. It is therefore a time when Muslims reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God.

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Officer Apologizes for My Lai Massacre

Former US Army Lieutenant William Calley apologized for his actions in the massacre at My Lai, Vietnam, in 1968, during remarks to a Georgia Kiwanis club.

There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai…I am very sorry.

Calley’s former prosecutor, William George Eckhardt, seemed to indicate that Calley has never apologized to date.

Famous for his defense that he was just following orders, Read more

Military Religion Question of the Day: Mundy

According to Michael Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation, in the following video,

In violation of military regulations, Lt. Col. Mundy appeared in full uniform on the Christian television program Total Victory Today.

So, did now-Colonel Mundy violate a military regulation? If so, which one?

If you don’t think he violated one, what’s your response to those who say he did?

Don’t know the answer? Ask below, and stay tuned for an update.

The full video, which is nearly twice as long as the YouTube version below, was available on the Total Victory Today organizational website.

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