Category Archives: Religion and Culture

Rutherford Institute to Defend Chaplain Endorser

Along with Gordon Klingenschmitt, Jim Ammerman and the Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches are being sued by Michael and Bonnie Weinstein for “imprecatory prayers.”  A recent news release indicates that Ammerman and the CFGC will be represented by the Rutherford Institute.

The Rutherford Institute describes itself as an organization that is “dedicated to the defense of civil liberties and human rights,” including “the defense of religious…liberties.”  Ironically, Weinstein and his organization, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, are Read more

Letters Reveal Perceptions of Religion in Military

As noted previously, a letter to the editor of the Stars and Stripes touched a nerve, with another contributor scolding a Chaplain about relying on the Bible.

The publication sparked a surprisingly blunt tit-for-tat, demonstrating that feelings about culture and religion present in American society are, indeed, also prevalent in the military.

A Captain stationed in Iraq decried the letter writer’s suggestion that modern Americans should rely on the Bible and its “Bronze Age morality.”  Another  Read more

Grant for Military Non-theist Leadership

While those who encourage the “mixing” of faith and the military profession are sometimes criticized, it appears there are specific efforts to promote the “mixing” of non-faith and the military.  In an interesting twist on encouraging leadership development, the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers is offering a $500 “educational grant for military and nontheist leadership and activism.”  The award is “particularly” aimed at military cadets.  Read more

Non-Profits, Fundraising, and ‘Support Our Troops’

If you received a flyer that said “send money to support the troops,” for what would you expect the money to be used?

A quick web search reveals that the phrase is generally used by those who have a history of material military support (like the USO).  When other groups use the phrase “support our troops” for fundraising, they generally give specifics as to how the funds will be used.  For example, they may send care packages, provide services for wounded warriors, buy phone cards, or provide material support for deployed servicemembers’ families.

In one such example, Jolt makes a “caffeine-energy gum”–it is admittedly not a “normal” “support the troops”-type group.  But it advertised with exactly that phrase, and Jolt was explicit about how the funds would be used, even listing the specific organizations that would receive their donations:  Read more

US Military Engages in “Mind Training”

According to Time‘s Bonnie Rochman, the US military is engaging in a unique method of strengthening the military mind.  In her article “Samurai Mind Training for Modern American Warriors,” Rochman notes the increasing use of meditation in military training.  “Warrior Mind Training” is a program that is intended to build “mental toughness” in American servicemembers as part of an Army initiative set to begin Read more

Do Christians in the Military Serve the Kingdom?

S. Michael Craven is the President of the Center for Christ & Culture.  His ministry emphasis is on living Christianity in the face of modern cultural challenges, with the goal of applying Christianity to all aspects of life.  He “works to equip Christians with an intelligent and thoroughly Christian approach to matters of culture in order to demonstrate the relevance of Christianity to all of life.”

In an August 17 article, Craven writes about seeing his son leave for the Marine Corps.  Near the end of the article, he writes an intriguing paragraph on Christianity in the military Read more

Bibles in the Night Stand

In the vein of the American Atheist’s complaint against NASA, a variety of similarly-minded groups continue to bring accusations of wrongdoing against government-associated religious organizations.  For example, the ACLU has criticized the Gideons providing religious materials while in some association with a government entity (including the Gideons’ interaction with the US military).

Controversies notwithstanding, the ubiquitous nature of the Gideons ministry almost inevitably leads to the never-gets-old joke:

How do they get those Bibles in all those locked hotel rooms?

Well, in 1996 evidence arose that the Gideons were successful in getting a Bible into one of the most inaccessible nightstands in the world; in fact, it’s not even in the world. Read more

Charitable Giving and the CFC: 2009

This is an updated version of the annual discussion of the Combined Federal Campaign.

Whether or not you believe in the concept of the exact tithe, charitable giving remains one of the basic tenets of Christian living. Besides “passing the plate” on Sunday, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is one of the more popular means through which members of the military have an opportunity to give.


What is the CFC?

The CFC is a government-sanctioned means of collecting charitable contributions Read more

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