Category Archives: Chaplain

Memorial Day 2009: Chaplains in the Foxhole

Army Chaplain (Capt.) James Key writes an interesting commentary in “Memorial Day from chaplain’s foxhole,” reiterating the important role Chaplains play to the lives and service of all military members, regardless of faith, or lack thereof.

Military chaplains guide Soldiers and their families through the ”Circle of Life” from births, baptisms, confirmations, marriage, illness and death. Our role is broader than a typical civilian minister because we have to connect Soldiers to God on a daily basis…

During my deployment I served as chaplain for a 600-Soldier logistics battalion in Baghdad. Whoever said ”there are no atheists in the foxhole” may have been absolutely right.

As is often the case, the Chaplain noted how needed their services are in support of combat roles, despite implications to the contrary Read more

Chaplains Serving All

An interesting article at notes the stories of Army Chaplains who serve everyone in their units, not just those who might share the tenets of their faith:

Army Chaplain (Maj.) Chuck B. Rizer, 172nd Infantry Brigade chaplain, believes all faiths — and even agnostics or atheists — can receive help from a chaplain… Read more

Some Upset at US Govt’s “Destruction” of Bibles

As previously discussed, the US military has said it destroyed the local language Bibles mailed into Afghanistan by a church in the United States.  Dr. Carl Moeller of Open Doors USA, which has ministries focused on delivering Bibles and support for persecuted Christians, called the destruction a waste that was “beyond necessity.”

There’s certainly many organizations that could put them to good use…I don’t think it had to go to the degree that they took it. I think it sets a very bad picture of the U.S. military’s perspective on Christianity, and frankly that troubles me.

CNN also covered the story (video). In the end, the military’s decision Read more

US Military Chaplains & al Jazeera, Redux

The internet is awash with people calling for court-martial and other repercussions for the soldiers shown on al Jazeera (as discussed previously).  Some have even said their actions are evidence of a larger conspiracy, and that they have endangered their fellow troops.

Problem is, they’re talking about fictional events Read more

Updated: More al Jazeera Chaplain Video

In an apparent response to the claims that it took things out of context, al Jazeera has posted a seven minute unedited video clip of the “Bible study group” in which the local language Bibles were shown.  The original video, discussed here, was severely edited and has caused an internet uproar calling for court martial for the Chaplains and discharge for all the military members involved.

The fuller video is somewhat vindicating, and demonstrates that the al Jazeera clip did, in fact, take the Chaplain’s and soldiers’ words out of context. The Chaplain, accused in some places of illegal action, gives very good, very legal advice, and talks about the “hearts and minds” of the Afghani and Muslim culture.  He very specifically, and very emphatically, says violating General Order number one is not the “sword they want to fall on.” Read more

US Military Chaplains on al Jazeera

As noted at the Huffington Post, al Jazeera has posted a news article and segment (video on YouTube) showing military Chaplains in the Middle East with Bibles in the local language and preaching “conversion.”

While seemingly inflammatory on its face (as evidenced by the outrage in subsequent comments on the websites), the newsreel is actually an “exercise in context.”  For example, it highlights this quote, also re-posted in both the al Jazeera and Huffington Post articles:

[T]he chaplains appear to have found a way around the regulation known as General Order Number One.

“Do we know what it means to proselytise?” Captain Emmit Furner, a military chaplain, says to the gathering.

“It is General Order Number One,” an unidentified soldier replies.

But [another soldier] says “you can’t proselytise but you can give gifts.”

The voiceover then continues, and the Huffington article goes on to emphasize the crime of conversion in Afghanistan.

Both ignore the significance of the very next statement by the Chaplain, which is almost obscured by the al Jazeera narrator. Read more

AF Offers Chaplaincy Scholarships

According to an AF news release, the Air Force is offering scholarships to Chaplain candidates from “underrepresented” faiths:

The program will help fill manning shortfalls in faiths underrepresented in the Air Force. For example, 14 percent of the 534 active duty chaplains in the Air Force are Roman Catholic, yet they provide services for 25 percent of Airmen, as well as their families, said Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Cecil Richardson, the Air Force chief of chaplains.

Military National Prayer Breakfasts

According to a variety of sources, the National Prayer Breakfast is an annual Washington, DC, event for Congressional and Executive leaders that has been ongoing for decades.  President Obama spoke at this year’s event in February.

The tradition has spread across the country, with a variety of other locations holding similar breakfasts, luncheons, or other gatherings.  Members of the Chaplain corps often sponsor Prayer Breakfasts at military installations.  Prayers and speeches are often presented by Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Chaplains, as well as notable personalities.  Though they are non-denominational and inclusive, they are not without controversy.

The 10th Mountain Division held theirs in early March, with noted speaker Bobby Welch invited to address the group.  Welch is a Vietnam Veteran Read more

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