Category Archives: Chaplain

US Marine Baptized in Afghanistan

In a unique display of the lengths to which the US military will go to ensure the free exercise of its troops, a Marine Lance Corporal was baptized by a Navy Chaplain during combat operations in Afghanistan.  The Washington Post filmed and reported on the event.

Lance Corporal Zachary Ludwig had to wait for Navy Chaplain (Lt) Terry Roberts to arrive at his outpost.  He was baptized in an irrigation ditch fed by the Helmand River Read more

MRFF Files Response against Motion to Dismiss

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation quietly filed its response to the US Department of Justice’s motion to dismiss the Chalker v Gates lawsuit.  The lawsuit challenges the practice of allowing prayer at mandatory military formations and ceremonies. It demands that Specialist Dustin Chalker, an atheist, and “those similarly situated” not be forced to attend ceremonies that include a “sectarian prayer.” In comparing the two filings, it seems as if the two groups of lawyers were sometimes speaking past each other.

The MRFF’s response brings up some interesting points, but also ignores some valid issues. It also significantly changes the concept of the original suit. Read more

President Jimmy Carter “Leaves the Church”

Much has been made of former US President Jimmy Carter’s recent missive in the UK Observer entitled “The words of God do not justify cruelty to women.”  In it he says

[M]y decision to sever my ties with the Southern Baptist Convention, after six decades, was painful and difficult.

It was, however, an unavoidable decision when the convention’s leaders, quoting a few carefully selected Bible verses…ordained that women must be “subservient” to their husbands and prohibited from serving as deacons, pastors, or chaplains in the military service. Read more

Military Chaplain of the Year, 2009

Army Chaplain (Capt.) Rebekah Montgomery has been selected by the Military Chaplain’s Association as their Chaplain of the Year.  The Unitarian-Universalist is a member of the Maryland’s Army National Guard.  She is the brigade chaplain for the 58th Troop Command in Maryland, and also works at the National Guard Bureau.  About the difficulty of quantifying a Chaplain’s role, she said

“We don’t see the direct results, but we trust God is using us in a profound and positive way,” she said. “You can’t quantify how many divorces didn’t happen. You can’t quantify how many suicides didn’t happen.”

US Army Promotes Religion in Afghanistan

Despite controversies over religion in the military and the sensitivities of troops talking about religion with locals, the US Army has actually assigned a young Captain to do that very thing.

According to a Wall Street Journal article, US Army Capt James Hill’s job is to

turn Islam into a weapon against the Taliban.

Though the Wall Street Journal emphasizes the Captain’s religion (the article is entitled “The Baptist and the Mullah Launch a Faith-Based Attack on the Taliban”), Read more

Air Force Chaplaincy Scholarships

As it did previously, the Air Force is again advertising scholarships for Chaplain candidates through its “Religious Professional Scholarship.”  According to one report, the scholarship covers tuition, books, and includes a monthly stipend. Applications are being accepted through September 1st.

As the Air Force stated initially, it appears that the current scholarships will be steered toward “under-represented” faiths, which at this point are Catholics.

Muslim Chaplains Impact US Military

In June, two Muslim military Chaplains from France and the United States met in Paris for a religious diversity conference.  The American Chaplain, Lt Commander Abuhena Saifulislam, is a US Navy Chaplain who emigrated from Bangladesh in 1989, becoming a Navy Imam in 1999.  He is endorsed by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).  He was reportedly assigned to the Marines, making him the first Muslim Chaplain Read more

Kids Provide Bibles for US Troops

As noted at the ChristianPost, Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse Jr. magazine has teamed with the American Bible Society to help kids provide American servicemen and women with Bibles.  Called “Truth for Troops,” the effort encourages parents to help their children earn money and take a vested interest in providing Bibles for US troops, as well as send them cards and pray for them.

“It is good for Daddy to have a Bible to read in Iraq so he can have a friend there,” said 3-year-old Violet, daughter of a U.S. Army chaplain in Iraq, according to ABC. “It will make him happy and help him not to be alone. The Bible tells him that God is with him.”

The effort is scheduled to run through August 31st.

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