Category Archives: Chaplain

Military Religion Question Answered: Email

The US military has been accused of allowing its members to illegally use its official government email system to distribute messages with religious content (see background here).  These actions have been called “unConstitutional” and “a violation of military regulations.”

This e-mail distribution has violated the separation of church and state [and] violates well established [military regulations].

In one specific incident, a base Chaplain asked the staff to forward a Bible study announcement.  Did that message violate regulations, or any other policy or standard?

The shortest, most accurate answer: Read more

Military Religion Question of the Day: Email

This week’s question is a summary of a frequent critique that takes many forms.  In varying degrees, the US military has been accused of illegal activity for allowing personnel to use their official government email system for the distribution of email with religious content.

To narrow the controversy, one specific example occurred at Creech Air Force Base, as noted by Jason Leopold, a journalist with a colored history who often advocates for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.  In the incident, Read more

Man of the Cloth and Uniform

A short Washington Post article describes Chaplain (Lt.) Ray F. Rivers, a 45 year old Marine Lieutenant and Chaplain from South Carolina.  The Chaplain is growing a beard to facilitate his meetings with local Islamic and political leaders, leading one Marine to say he “looks like Sting.”

As he demonstrates, Chaplains serve servicemembers, but they also serve the mission.

Baptist Turned Buddhist Chaplain to Deploy

The Military Times papers have now picked up on the previously noted story about Army Chaplain (Lt) Thomas Dyer, a former Marine and Baptist pastor who converted to Buddhism and joined the Army National Guard (as published in the Tennessean).

The most recent article did have some interesting (and sometimes controversial) comments.  For example, despite the accusations that Chaplains can never evangelize, the article does provide the qualifier:  Read more

Jewish Chaplain Serves Diverse Crowd

US Army Chaplain (Lt Col) Avi Weiss has previously been profiled here.  The Defense Department has a new article out that notes the challenges he experiences not only as a Jewish Chaplain serving all faiths, but also as a Jewish Chaplain serving the unique aspects of the Jewish faith.

Like all chaplains, he serves Soldiers, civilians and family members of all faiths, but the wide variety of Jewish traditions among his faithful adds an extra level of complexity.  Weiss is personally “very traditional Orthodox,” but many of the military members he serves are not. Read more

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