Category Archives: Chaplain

Army National Guard Gets First Muslim Chaplain

According to a DoD press release, Army 1LT Rafael Lantigua of the Texas National Guard will soon be the Army National Guard’s first Muslim Chaplain.  Lantigua has fulfilled all requirements save some classes required by the Chaplain board.  Lantigua, who had a Roman Catholic father and a mother who converted from Baptist to Buddhist, converted to Islam as a teenager.  He says he looks forward to being a model for “other members of [his] faith:”

“I am humbled for this opportunity to be a role model for other members of my faith throughout the military,” he said.

While he is by no means the first Islamic Chaplain in the US military, they remain relatively few in number.

Navy to Get More Buddhist Chaplains

US Navy Ensign Aroon Seeda is reportedly being commissioned into the Chaplain Candidate Program.  When he completes his requirements, he will reportedly be the second (or perhaps third) Buddhist Chaplain in the US Navy.  Like several other Buddhist Chaplains, Seeda will attend University of the West, a Buddhist school in southern California.

Likewise, Brett Campbell will enter the Candidate program at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Naropa was founded Buddhist Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

As reported by Buddhist Military Sangha [Campbell].

Chaplains Support the Mission with Mizpah Coin

Among the many missions of the US military Chaplaincy, Chaplains attempt to support the mental and spiritual well-being of Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, and Marines.  This has become particularly important with the rate of suicides in the military.  One of the ways the Chaplaincy is fighting for their troops is support for relationships, including significant support for military marriages.

Chaplain (Maj) Michael Reeves of Fort Stewart apparently came up with a unique way to help strengthen military marriages: a unit Mizpah coin.

Chap. (Maj.) Michael Reeves, installation chaplain, is the one Read more

Mormon Chaplain Serves USAFA Cadets

An Air Force Academy press release notes the service of Chaplain (Capt) Zebulon Beck, one of only nine active duty Air Force Mormon Chaplains, who will minister to “more than 100 Mormon cadets.”

An interesting part of the article is the reference to the “mandatory two-year mission” of Mormons:

As is the case with other Mormons of similar age, many cadets interrupt their studies for the mandatory two-year mission. Those who do so often come back changed people.  Read more

The Chaplain and the Veteran

Air National Guard Chaplain (LtCol) Richard Cavens was deployed to Dover Air Force Base as part of the mortuary operations center — the organization that deals with the fallen and their families.

When the history buff took some personal time in the local area — a break particularly necessary for those dealing daily with the casualties of war — he happened upon the Korean War memorial, and met a man there who understood like few today could.

The rest can only be read as it was originally written

US Military Chaplains Minister, Mentor in Africa

Illinois National Guard Chaplains are reportedly part of deployment MEDFLAG 10, a “joint medical exercise aimed at providing humanitarian assistance to the local people” in the African Congo.

While the Chaplains serve their own units, they also have the opportunity to liaise for strategic impact:

In addition to supporting U.S. service members, the ministry team is engaging with chaplains of the armed forces of Congo.

“Our Congolese counterparts showed special interests in discussing areas of trauma, family care and post-traumatic stress,” said Krumrei.

The Illinois National Guard ministry team is conducting a three-day workshop with FARDC chaplains, aiming to bring peace within the country and to the people, said Krumrei.

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