Category Archives: Chaplain

Jewish Arlington Memorial to be Dedicated Next Week

The Jewish Chaplains Memorial that will join the others at Chaplain’s Hill in Arlington will be dedicated in a ceremony next Monday, 24 October.

The memorial is a bronze plaque with the names of the 14 Jewish Chaplains who died while on duty from 1943 to 1974; at the top are two lions bracketing the Jewish chaplains’ insignia, which is two tablets with a Star of David on top.

As a point of trivia, none of the chaplains memorialized Read more

UK Chaplains Serve in Afghanistan

The UK Guardian‘s Riazat Butt continued her reporting on religion in the British forces in Afghanistan with an article on the UK chaplaincy, which is similar to the chaplaincy in the US military, but with some significant differences.  Still, the content of the fairly long article is interesting.

Noting the importance of the ministry of presence by chaplains (who are, in fact, on the “front lines” with the troops):  Read more

US Military Deploys “Rabbinical Surge” into Afghanistan

As noted previously, the US military has four Jewish Chaplains in Afghanistan to help US servicemembers celebrate the Jewish High Holy days; in fact, three of the chaplains are in country temporarily solely for that reason.

Four rabbis – roughly 15 percent of the military’s Jewish chaplaincy – are visiting Afghanistan, including several remote military installations, to help troops and civilian employees mark the High Holidays through Oct. 21.

The four are Army Chaplains (LtCol) Laurence Bazer, (Col) Jacob Goldstein, (LtCol) Avi Weiss, and (Navy Lt) Josh Sherwin. Chaplain Bazer noted the significance of the Jewish presence in the predominantly Islamic country:  Read more

Chaplain Joins In on Life on the Front Lines

British Army Chaplain Stephen Hancock has an interesting article at the UK Ministry of Defense website on “life on the front line.”  While the article is interesting on the whole, Chaplain Hancock’s underlying premise of service is worth highlighting:

I really believe in visibility, that a chaplain should be seen walking around talking to anybody and everybody. By doing that you build relationships and soldiers and officers will trust you. If you’re invisible you have no Read more

Troops Christen New Chapel in Afghanistan

Soldiers and civilians at Camp Marmal, Afghanistan, dedicated a new chapel in late September.

“We have gathered here today to dedicate this chapel to God,” said Maj. Xuan Tran, chaplain, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, originally from Vietnam.

“This chapel will be a center and important place where people can come together to worship and offer sacrifices of praise.”

Chaplain (Capt) David Montgomery said the previous chapel had been too small Read more

Jumping Padre, Chaplain Philip Hannan, Dies at 98

Archbishop Philip M. Hannan, a US Army Chaplain in World War II and the oldest former military Chaplain, has died.

In 1942 the Catholic pastor volunteered to become a Chaplain, specifically requesting assignment to a combat unit.  He became known as the “jumping padre” after being assigned to the 505th Parachute Infantry of the 82nd Airborne and getting 5 practice parachute jumps.

Like many paratroopers, he was ultimately driven to combat to join his unit, where he was largely expected to care for the wounded and dying.  He was allowed to go to the front lines, where the only Read more

Marines Attend Spiritual Fitness Prayer Breakfast

US Marines and Sailors at Camp Kinser, Japan, gathered for a prayer breakfast held by the local Chaplains.

The breakfast was held to encourage attendees to pause for a few moments in their day and reflect on what is important to them, improving their spiritual fitness, [Chaplain (Cmdr) Randal B. Craft] said.

Chief Petty Officer Beverly Harris, a religious program specialist, emphasized the inclusive nature of the breakfast as well as the universal need for spiritual Read more

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